Board of Trustees

Publications of Hassan Salem

Journal Article (10)

Journal Article
Bauer, E.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Salem, H.: Minimal fermentative metabolism fuels extracellular symbiont in a leaf beetle. The ISME Journal 14 (3), pp. 866 - 870 (2020)
Journal Article
Berasategui, A.; Salem, H.; Paetz, C.; Santoro, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Schmidt, A.: Gut microbiota of the pine weevil degrades conifer diterpenes and increases insect fitness. Molecular Ecology 26 (15), pp. 4099 - 4110 (2017)
Journal Article
Salem, H.; Bauer, E.; Kirsch, R.; Berasategui, A.; Cripps, M.; Weiss, B.; Koga, R.; Fukumori, K.; Vogel, H.; Fukatsu, T. et al.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Drastic genome reduction in an herbivore’s pectinolytic symbiont. Cell 171, pp. e1 - e7 (2017)
Journal Article
Berasategui, A.; Shukla, S.; Salem, H.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Potential applications of insect symbionts in biotechnology. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 100 (4), pp. 1567 - 1577 (2016)
Journal Article
Salem, H.; Florez, L.; Gerardo, N.; Kaltenpoth, M.: An out-of-body experience: the extracellular dimension for the transmission of mutualistic bacteria in insects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1804), 20142957 (2015)
Journal Article
Salem, H.; Onchuru, T. O.; Bauer, E.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Symbiont transmission entails the risk of parasite infection. Biology Letters 11 (12), 20150840 (2015)
Journal Article
Bauer, E.; Salem, H.; Marz, M.; Vogel, H.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Transcriptomic immune response of the cotton stainer Dysdercus fasciatus to experimental elimination of vitamin-supplementing intestinal symbionts. PLoS One 9 (12), e114865 (2014)
Journal Article
Salem, H.; Bauer, E.; Strauss, A. S.; Vogel, H.; Marz, M.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Vitamin supplementation by gut symbionts ensures metabolic homeostasis in an insect host. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1796), 20141838 (2014)
Journal Article
Salem, H.; Kreutzer, E.; Sudakaran, S.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Actinobacteria as essential symbionts in firebugs and cotton stainers (Hemiptera, Pyrrhocoridae). Environmental Microbiology 15 (7), pp. 1956 - 1968 (2012)
Journal Article
Sudakaran, S.; Salem, H.; Kost, C.; Kaltenpoth, M.: Geographical and ecological stability of the symbiotic mid-gut microbiota in European firebugs, Pyrrhocoris apterus (Hemiptera, Pyrrhocoridae). Molecular Ecology 21 (24), pp. 6134 - 6151 (2012)
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