Board of Trustees

Publications of Ramesh N. Kumar

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Weinhold, A.; Karimi Dorche, E.; Li, R.; Kumar, R. N.; Baldwin, I. T.: Antimicrobial peptide expression in a wild tobacco plant reveals the limits of host-microbe-manipulations in the field. eLife 7, e28715 (2018)
Journal Article
Santhanam, R.; Oh, Y.; Kumar, R. N.; Weinhold, A.; Luu, V. T.; Groten, K.; Baldwin, I. T.: Specificity of root microbiomes in native-grown Nicotiana attenuata and plant responses to UVB increase Deinococcus colonization. Molecular Ecology 26 (9), pp. 2543 - 2562 (2017)