Publications of Suman Chakraborty
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
14, 25771 (2024)
Mathematical modeling predicts that endemics by generalist insects are eradicated if nearly all plants produce constitutive defense. Scientific Reports
Journal Article
16 (2), 72 (2024)
How plant toxins cause early larval mortality in herbivorous insects: An explanation by modeling the net energy curve. Toxins 2023
Journal Article
11, 1197757 (2023)
Comparing two strategies of counter-defense against plant toxins: a modeling study on plant–herbivore interactions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Journal Article
13 (12), e10763 (2023)
Selection pressure by specialist and generalist insect herbivores leads to optimal constitutive plant defense. A mathematical model. Ecology and Evolution