Publications of Steffen Harzsch
All genres
Journal Article (30)
Journal Article
530 (9), pp. 1399 - 1422 (2022)
Local olfactory interneurons provide the basis for neurochemical regionalization of olfactory glomeruli in crustaceans. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 2020
Journal Article
380, pp. 449 - 467 (2020)
Functional morphology of the primary olfactory centers in the brain of the hermit crab Coenobita clypeatus (Anomala, Coenobitidae). Cell and Tissue Research 2018
Journal Article
161, pp. 23 - 60 (2018)
Crustacean olfactory systems: A comparative review and a crustacean perspective on olfaction in insects. Progress in Neurobiology 2016
Journal Article
55 (6), pp. 1 - 8 (2016)
Notes on the foraging strategies of the giant robber crab Birgus latro (Anomala) on Christmas Island: Evidence for active predation on red crabs Gecarcoidea natalis (Brachyura). Zoological Studies 2012
Journal Article
7 (11), e49809 (2012)
Giant robber crabs monitored from space: GPS-based telemetric studies on Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). PLoS One
Journal Article
348, pp. 47 - 69 (2012)
Comparative brain architecture of the European shore crab Carcinus maenas (Brachyura), the common hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus (Anomura) with notes on other marine hermit crabs. Cell and Tissue Research
Journal Article
5, 29 (2012)
Neuropeptide complexity in the crustacean central olfactory pathway: immunolocalization of A-type allatostatins and RFamide-like peptides in the brain of a terrestrial hermit crab. Molecular Brain
Journal Article
7, 1 (2012)
Neurogenesis in the central olfactory pathway of adult decapod crustaceans: development of the neurogenic niche in the brains of procambarid crayfish. Neural Development 2011
Journal Article
53 (5), pp. 740 - 759 (2011)
Development of the nervous system in hatchlings of Spadella cephaloptera (Chaetognatha), and implications for nervous system evolution in Bilateria. Development Growth & Differentiation
Journal Article
36, pp. 43 - 61 (2011)
Organization of deutocerebral neuropils and olfactory behavior in the centipede Scutigera coleoptrata (Linneaus, 1758; Myriapoda: Chilopoda). Chemical Senses 2010
Journal Article
249 (1), pp. 45 - 67 (2010)
A review of the biology and ecology of the Robber Crab, Birgus latro (Linnaeus, 1767) (Anomura: Coenobitidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger
Journal Article
91 (1), pp. 35 - 43 (2010)
Evolution of invertebrate nervous systems: the Chaetognatha as a case study. Acta Zoologica
Journal Article
7, 25 (2010)
Brain architecture of the largest living land arthropod, the Giant Robber Crab Birgus latro (Crustacea, Anomura, Coenobitidae): evidence for a prominent central olfactory pathway? Frontiers in Zoology
Journal Article
129 (1), pp. 77 - 104 (2010)
Immunohistochemical analysis and 3D-reconstruction of the cephalic nervous system of Chaetognatha: insights into the evolution of an early bilaterian brain? Invertebrate Biology 2009
Journal Article
335 (2), pp. 417 - 429 (2009)
Development of pigment-dispersing hormone-immunoreactive neurons in the American lobster: homology to the insect circadian pacemaker system? Cell and Tissue Research
Journal Article
128 (1), pp. 53 - 73 (2009)
Fine structure of the ventral nerve centre and interspecific identification of individual neurons in the enigmatic Chaetognatha. Zoomorphology
Journal Article
81 (3), pp. 319 - 325 (2009)
Brain structure of Scutigera coleoptrata: New insights into the evolution of mandibulate olfactory centers - short communication -. Soil Organisms 2008
Journal Article
8 (4), pp. 177 - 197 (2008)
Engrailed-like immunoreactivity in the embryonic ventral nerve cord of the Marbled Crayfish (Marmorkrebs). Invertebrate Neuroscience
Journal Article
9, 58 (2008)
Brain architecture in the terrestrial hermit crab Coenobita clypeatus (Anomura, Coenobitidae), a crustacean with a good aerial sense of smell. BMC Neuroscience
Journal Article
218 (5), pp. 253 - 265 (2008)
Muscle precursor cells in the developing limbs of two isopods (Crustacea, Peracarida): an immunohistochemical study using a novel monoclonal antibody against myosin heavy chain. Development Genes and Evolution