Foto: Anna Schroll

Publications of Iris Camehl

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Schuck, S.; Camehl, I.; Gilardoni, P. A.; Oelmueller, R.; Baldwin, I. T.; Bonaventure, G.: HSPRO controls early Nicotiana attenuata seedling growth during interaction with the fungus Piriformospora indica. Plant Physiology 160 (2), pp. 929 - 943 (2012)
Journal Article
Camehl, I.; Drzewiecki, C.; Vadassery, J.; Shahollari, B.; Sherameti, I.; Forzani, C.; Munnik, T.; Hirt, H.; Oelmüller, R.: The OXI1 kinase pathway mediates Piriformospora indica-induced growth promotion in Arabidopsis. PLoS Pathogens 7 (5), e1002051 (2011)
Journal Article
Camehl, I.; Oelmüller, R.: Do ethylene response factors-9 and -14 repress PR gene expression in the interaction between Piriformospora indica and Arabidopsis? Plant Signaling & Behavior 5 (8), pp. 932 - 936 (2010)
Journal Article
Camehl, I.; Sherameti, I.; Venus, Y.; Bethke, G.; Varma, A.; Lee, J.; Oelmüller, R.: Ethylene signalling and ethylene-targeted transcription factors are required to balance beneficial and nonbeneficial traits in the symbiosis between the endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica and Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 185 (4), pp. 1062 - 1073 (2010)
Journal Article
Vadassery, J.; Ritter, C.; Venus, Y.; Camehl, I.; Varma, A.; Shahollari, B.; Novák, O.; Strnad, M.; Ludwig-Müller, J.; Oelmüller, R.: The role of auxins and cytokinins in the mutualistic interaction between Arabidopsis and Piriformospora indica. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21 (10), pp. 1371 - 1383 (2008)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Camehl, I.; Sherameti, I.; Seebald, E.; Michal Johnson, J.; Oelmüller, R.: Role of defense compounds in the beneficial interaction between Arabidopsis thaliana and Piriformospora indica. In: Priformospora indica, Soil Biology 33, pp. 239 - 250 (Eds. Varma, A.; Kost, G.; Oelmüller, R.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg (2013)
Book Chapter
Michal Johnson, J.; Lee, Y.-C.; Camehl, I.; Sun, C.; Yeh, K.-W.; Oelmüller, R.: Piriformospora indica promotes growth of chinese cabbage by manipulating auxin homeostasis - Role of auxin in symbiosis. In: Piriformospora indica, Soil Biology 33, pp. 139 - 147 (Ed. Varma, A.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg (2013)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Camehl, I.: Control of beneficial traits in the Arabidopsis/Piriformospora indica interaction. Dissertation, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2011)
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