Publications of B. Schneider

Book Chapter (18)

Book Chapter
Kolbe, A.; Krauss, G.; Schneider, B.: Ornithopus sativus Brot. (Serradella): In vitro culture, phytochemical studies, and biotransformation. In: Medicinal and aromatic plants XI, pp. 310 - 323 (Ed. Bajaj, Y. P. S.). Springer, Berlin (1999)
Book Chapter
Krause, U.; Schneider, B.: Investigations on the phenylpropane biosynthesis in in vitro cultures of Zingiberaceae spp. In: Natural Product Analysis, pp. 393 - 394 (Eds. Schreier, P.; Herderich, M.; Humpf, H.-U.; Schwab, W.). Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden (1998)
Book Chapter
Porzel, A.; Hai, T.; Kolbe, A.; Schneider, B.; Adam, G.: Structure elucidation of brassinosteroid metabolites by NMR spectroscopy. In: Natural Product Analysis, pp. 135 - 136 (Ed. Schreier, P.). Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden (1998)
Book Chapter
Schmitt, B.; Schneider, B.: NMR-Spectroscopic investigations on the dynamics of phenylpropane biosynthetic pathways in Anigozanthos preissii. In: Natural Product Analysis, pp. 127 - 128 (Ed. Schreier, P.). Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden (1998)
Book Chapter
Schneider, B.; Hölscher, D.; Kolbe, A.; Blitzke, T.: HPLC-NMR in phytochemical analysis. In: Natural Product Analysis, pp. 137 - 142 (Ed. Schreier, P.). Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden (1998)
Book Chapter
Schneider, B.: New developments in brassinosteroid research. In: Stereoselective Synthesis: Pt. K, pp. 495 - 549 (Ed. Atta-Ur-Rahman). Elsevier, Amsterdam (1996)
Book Chapter
Kolbe, A.; Schneider, B.; Porzel, A.; Adam, G.: Investigations on the metabolism of 3-H labelled brassinosteroids in cell suspension cultures of Ornithopus sativus. In: Synthesis and Applications of Isotopically Labelled Compounds: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium, Strasbourg, France, 20 - 24 June 1994, pp. 331 - 334 (Eds. Allan, J.; Voges, R.). Wiley, Chichester (1995)
Book Chapter
Schneider, B.; Zenk, M. H.: Metabolism of secondary products in cell systems. In: Plant tissue culture and gene manipulation for breeding and formation of phytochemicals, pp. 323 - 333 (Eds. Oono, K.; Hirabyashi, S.; Kikuchi, S.; Handa, H.; Kajiwara, K.) (1992)

Thesis (1)

Schneider, B.: Untersuchungen zur Biotransformation des Wachstumsregulators 2(2,4-Dichlorphenoxy)-isobuttersäure in pflanzlichen Systemen. 164 Bl. pp., Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle (1981)

Conference Paper (3)

Conference Paper
Schneider, B.; Kolbe, A.; Winter, J.; Porzel, A.; Schmidt, J.; Strack, D.; Adam, G.: Pathways and enzymology of brassinosteroid metabolism. In: Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulator Society of America, 24. Annual Meeting. Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulator Society of America, 24. Annual Meeting , Atlanta, GA, USA. (1997)
Conference Paper
Schneider, B.; Kolbe, A.; Hai, T.; Porzel, A.; Adam, G.: Metabolism of brassinosteroids in plant cell cultures. In: Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulator Society of America, 23. Annual Meeting. Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulator Society of America, 23. Annual Meeting , Calgary, Canada. (1996)
Conference Paper
Winter, J.; Schneider, B.; Strack, D.; Adam, G.: Involvement of Cytochrome P450 in the metabolism of 24-epi-brassinolide in tomato cell cultures. In: Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulator Society of America, 23. Annual Meeting. Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulator Society of America, 23. Annual Meeting, Calgary, Canada. (1996)