Publications of I. T. Baldwin

Journal Article (526)

Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Zhang, Z. P.; Diab, N.; Ohnmeiss, T. E.; McCloud, E. S.; Lynds, G. Y.; Schmelz, E. A.: Quantification, correlations and manipulations of wound-induced changes in jasmonic acid and nicotine in Nicotiana sylvestris. Planta 201 (4), pp. 397 - 404 (1997)
Journal Article
McCloud, E. S.; Baldwin, I. T.: Herbivory and caterpillar regurgitants amplify the wound-induced increases in jasmonic acid but not nicotine in Nicotiana sylvestris. Planta 203 (4), pp. 430 - 435 (1997)
Journal Article
Ohnmeiss, T. E.; Mccloud, E. S.; Lynds, G. Y.; Baldwin, I. T.: Within-plant relationships among wounding, jasmonic acid, and nicotine - implications for defence in Nicotiana sylvestris. New Phytologist 137 (3), pp. 441 - 452 (1997)
Journal Article
Zhang, Z. P.; Baldwin, I. T.: Transport of [2-14C]jasmonic acid from leaves to roots mimics wound-induced changes in endogenous jasmonic acid pools in Nicotiana sylvestris. Planta 203 (4), pp. 436 - 441 (1997)
Journal Article
Zhang, Z. P.; Krumm, T.; Baldwin, I. T.: Structural requirements of jasmonates and mimics for nicotine induction in Nicotiana sylvestris. Journal of Chemical Ecology 23 (12), pp. 2777 - 2789 (1997)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.: Inducible defenses and population biology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11 (3), pp. 104 - 105 (1996)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.: Allometric limits to the induced accumulation of nicotine in native tobacco. Plant Species Biology 11 (1), pp. 107 - 114 (1996)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.: Methyl jasmonate-induced nicotine production in Nicotiana attenuata: inducing defenses in the field without wounding. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 80 (1), pp. 213 - 220 (1996)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Schmelz, E. A.: Immunological ''memory'' in the induced accumulation of nicotine in wild tobacco. Ecology 77 (1), pp. 236 - 246 (1996)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Schmelz, E. A.; Zhang, Z. P.: Effects of octadecanoid metabolites and inhibitors on induced nicotine accumulation in Nicotiana sylvestris. Journal of Chemical Ecology 22 (1), pp. 61 - 74 (1996)
Journal Article
Euler, M.; Baldwin, I. T.: The chemistry of defense and apparency in the corollas of Nicotiana attenuata. Oecologia 107 (1), pp. 102 - 112 (1996)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Karb, M. J.: Plasticity in allocation of nicotine to reproductive parts in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Chemical Ecology 21 (7), pp. 897 - 909 (1995)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Huh, S.: Primary function for a chemical defense? Nicotine does not protect Datura stramonium L from UV damage. Oecologia 97 (2), pp. 243 - 247 (1994)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Karb, M. J.; Ohnmeiss, T. E.: Allocation of 15N from nitrate to nicotine - production and turnover of a damage-induced mobile defense. Ecology 75 (6), pp. 1703 - 1713 (1994)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Morse, L.: Up in smoke: II. Germination of Nicotiana attenuata in response to smoke-derived cues and nutrients in burned and unburned soils. Journal of Chemical Ecology 20 (9), pp. 2373 - 2391 (1994)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Ohnmeiss, T. E.: Coordination of photosynthetic and alkaloidal responses to damage in uninducible and inducible Nicotiana sylvestris. Ecology 75 (4), pp. 1003 - 1014 (1994)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Ohnmeiss, T. E.: Swords into plowshares? Nicotiana sylvestris does not use nicotine as a nitrogen source under nitrogen-limited growth. Oecologia 98 (3-4), pp. 385 - 392 (1994)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Schmelz, E. A.: Constraints on an induced defense: the role of leaf area. Oecologia 97 (3), pp. 424 - 430 (1994)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Schmelz, E. A.; Ohnmeiss, T. E.: Wound-induced changes in root and shoot jasmonic acid pools correlate with induced nicotine synthesis in Nicotiana sylvestris Spegazzini and comes. Journal of Chemical Ecology 20 (8), pp. 2139 - 2157 (1994)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Staszakkozinski, L.; Davidson, R.: Up in smoke. 1. Smoke-derived germination cues for postfire annual, Nicotiana attenuata Torr. ex Watson. Journal of Chemical Ecology 20 (9), pp. 2345 - 2371 (1994)
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