Publications of I. T. Baldwin

Book Chapter (18)

Book Chapter
Tretyakov, A.; Mrotzek, G.; Wu, J.; Baldwin, I. T.; Saluz, H. P.: Rapid heatblock thermocycling of small samples: a path to fast, low-cost plant genotyping. In: Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology, Vol. 5, pp. 225 - 230 (Ed. Silva, T. D.). Global Science Books, Isleworth (2006)
Book Chapter
Voelckel, C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Herbivore-specific transcriptional responses and their research potential for ecosystem studies. In: Insects and Ecosystem Function, pp. 357 - 379 (Eds. Weisser, W. W.; Siemann, E.) (2004)
Book Chapter
Baldwin, I. T.: Unraveling the function of secondary metabolites. In: Plant Physiology Online, 3 Ed., p. Essay 13.1 (Eds. Taiz, L.; Zeiger, E.). Sinauer, Sunderland, Ma (2002)
Book Chapter
Baldwin, I. T.: The jasmonate cascade and the complexity of induced defense against herbivore attack. In: Functions of Plant Secondary Metabolites and their Exploitation in Biotechnology, pp. 155 - 186 (Ed. Wink, M.). Sheffield Academic Press, Kent (1999)
Book Chapter
Baldwin, I. T.: Functional interactions in the use of direct and indirect defences in native Nicotiana plants. In: Insect-Plant Interactions and Induced Plant Defence, pp. 74 - 94 (Eds. Chadwick, D. J.; Goode, J. A.). Wiley, Chichester (1999)
Book Chapter
Baldwin, I. T.: Chemical changes rapidly induced by folivory. In: Insect-Plant Interactions, Vol. 5, pp. 1 - 23 (Ed. Bernays, E. A.). CRC Press, Boca Raton (1994)
Book Chapter
Baldwin, I. T.: Damage-induced alkaloids in wild tobacco. In: Phytochemical Induction by Herbivores, pp. 47 - 69 (Eds. Raupp, M. J.; Tallamy, D. W.). Wiley, London (1991)

Book (1)

Karban, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: Induced responses to herbivory. Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago [u.a.] (1997), IX, 319 S pp.

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Baldwin, I. T.: Nicotine and nitrogen in Nicotiana the integration of defensive and civilian responses to damage. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 71 (2 SUPPL), p. 83 (1990)

Film (4)

Baldwin, I. T.: How do plant genomes develop different phenotypes depending on their environment. (2018)
Baldwin, I. T.: On becoming (and remaining) a plant scientist in the genomics era’. (2017)
Baldwin, I. T.: What new insights into plants‘ defense mechanisms can be gained by studying their interactions with their habitat? (2016)
Baldwin, I. T.: Studying a plant’s ecological interactions in the genomics era: The story of Nicotiana attenuata; Part 1: A short biased history of an interdisciplinary field. (2016)
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