Publications of Claudia Voelckel
All genres
Journal Article (17)
Journal Article
22 (6), pp. 462 - 471 (2017)
Evolutionary transcriptomics and proteomics: insight into plant adaptation. Trends in Plant Science 2013
Journal Article
3 (12), pp. 1039 - 1043 (2013)
Hybridization may facilitate in situ survival of endemic species through periods of climate change. Nature Climate Change 2012
Journal Article
13, 92 (2012)
Cutoffs and k-mers: implications from a transcriptome study in allopolyploid plants. BMC Genomics
Journal Article
13, 439 (2012)
De novo sequence assembly and characterisation of a partial transcriptome for an evolutionarily distinct reptile, the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus). BMC Genomics
Journal Article
19 (13), 322 (2012)
Chips and tags suggest plant-environment interactions differ for two alpine Pachycladon species. BMC Genomics 2011
Journal Article
11 (1), pp. 166 - 171 (2011)
Shotgun proteomic profiling of five species of New Zealand Pachycladon. Proteomics 2010
Journal Article
5 (3), e9735 (2010)
Within and between whorls: Comparative transcriptional profiling of Aquilegia and Arabidopsis. PLoS One
Journal Article
10, 151 (2010)
Transcript and protein profiling identify candidate gene sets of potential adaptive significance in New Zealand Pachycladon. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2008
Journal Article
17 (21), pp. 4740 - 4753 (2008)
Transcriptional and biochemical signatures of divergence in natural populations of two species of New Zealand alpine Pachycladon. Molecular Ecology 2006
Journal Article
15 (14), pp. 4645 - 4657 (2006)
Convergence, constraint and the role of gene expression during adaptive radiation: floral anthocyanins in Aquilegia. Molecular Ecology 2005
Journal Article
138 (3), pp. 1763 - 1773 (2005)
Specificity in ecological interactions. Attack from the same lepidopteran herbivore results in species-specific transcriptional responses in two solanaceous host plants. Plant Physiology 2004
Journal Article
38 (4), pp. 650 - 663 (2004)
Herbivore-induced plant vaccination. Part II. Array-studies reveal the transience of herbivore-specific transcriptional imprints and a distinct imprint from stress combinations. The Plant Journal
Journal Article
7 (9), pp. 770 - 775 (2004)
Generalist and specialist lepidopteran larvae elicit different transcriptional responses in Nicotiana attenuata, which correlate with larval FAC profiles. Ecology Letters
Journal Article
13, pp. 3187 - 3195 (2004)
An analysis of plant-aphid interactions by different microarray hybridization strategies. Molecular Ecology 2003
Journal Article
118 (2), pp. 240 - 252 (2003)
Detecting herbivore-specific transcriptional responses in plants with multiple DDRT-PCR and subtractive library procedures. Physiologia Plantarum 2001
Journal Article
11, pp. 121 - 126 (2001)
Anti-sense expression of putrescine N-methyltransferase confirms defensive role of nicotine in Nicotiana sylvestris against Manduca sexta. Chemoecology
Journal Article
127 (2), pp. 274 - 280 (2001)
Herbivore-induced ethylene burst reduces fitness costs of jasmonate- and oral secretion-induced defenses in Nicotiana attenuata. Oecologia Book Chapter (4)
Book Chapter
Costs of resistance in plants: From theory to evidence. In: Insect Plant Interactions, pp. 263 - 307 (Eds. Voelckel, C.; Jander, G.). Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester (2014)
Book Chapter
Pachycladon. In: WILD CROP RELATIVES: GENOMIC AND BREEDING RESOURCES - OILSEEDS, pp. 227 - 249 (Ed. Kole, C.) (2011)
Book Chapter
21, pp. 3 - 14. Universal Academy Press, Tokyo (2008)
An approach to transcriptome analysis of non-model organisms using short-read sequences. In: Genome Informatics Series: Proceedings of the Workshop on Genome Informatics, Vol.