Publications of Sybille Unsicker

Journal Article (72)

Journal Article
Walther, C.; Vallet, M.; Reichelt, M.; Giri, P.; Rothe, B.; Medina van Berkum, P.; Gershenzon, J.; Unsicker, S.: A fungal endophyte alters poplar leaf chemistry, deters insect feeding and shapes insect community assembly. Ecology Letters 28 (2), e70007 (2025)
Journal Article
Medina van Berkum, P.; Schmöckel, E.; Bischoff, A.; Carrasco-Farias, N.; Catford, J. A.; Feldmann, R.; Groten, K.; Henry, H. A. L.; Bucharova, A. L.; Hänniger, S. et al.; Luong, J. C.; Meis, J.; Oetama, V. S.; Pärtel, M.; Power, S. A.; Villellas, J.; Welk, E.; Wingler, A.; Rothe, B.; Gershenzon, J.; Reichelt, M.; Roscher, C.; Unsicker, S.: Plant geographic distribution influences chemical defences in native and introduced Plantago lanceolata populations. Functional Ecology 38 (4), pp. 883 - 896 (2024)
Journal Article
Ojeda-Prieto, L.; Medina van Berkum, P.; Unsicker, S.; Heinen, R.; Weisser, W. W.: Intraspecific chemical variation of Tanacetum vulgare affects plant growth and reproductive traits in field plant communities. Plant Biology (2024)
Journal Article
Petrén, H.; Anaia, R. A.; Aragam, K. S.; Bräutigam, A.; Eckert, S.; Heinen, R.; Jakobs, R.; Ojeda-Prieto, L.; Popp, M.; Sasidharan, R. et al.; Schnitzler, J.-P.; Steppuhn, A.; Thon, F. M.; Unsicker, S.; van Dam, N. M.; Weisser, W. W.; Wittmann, M. J.; Yepes, S.; Ziaja, D.; Müller, C.; Junker, R. R.: Understanding the chemodiversity of plants: Quantification, variation and ecological function. Ecological Monographs 94 (4), e1635 (2024)
Journal Article
Eckert, S.; Eilers, E. J.; Jakobs, R.; Anaia, R. A.; Aragam, K. S.; Bloss, T.; Popp, M.; Sasidharan, R.; Schnitzler, J.-P.; Stein, F. et al.; Steppuhn, A.; Unsicker, S.; van Dam, N. M.; Yepes Vivas, S. A.; Ziaja, D.; Müller, C.: Inter-laboratory comparison of plant volatile analyses in the light of intra-specific chemodiversity. Metabolomics 19 (7), 62 (2023)
Journal Article
Peng, X.-R.; Unsicker, S.; Gershenzon, J.; Qiu, M.-H.: Structural diversity, hypothetical biosynthesis, chemical synthesis, and biological activity of Ganoderma meroterpenoids. Natural Product Reports 40 (8), pp. 1354 - 1392 (2023)
Journal Article
Eberl, F.; Fabisch, T.; Luck, K.; Köllner, T. G.; Vogel, H.; Gershenzon, J.; Unsicker, S.: Poplar protease inhibitor expression differs in an herbivore specific manner. BMC Plant Biology 21, 170 (2021)
Journal Article
Eisenring, M.; Unsicker, S.; Lindroth, R. L.: Spatial, genetic and biotic factors shape within‐crown leaf trait variation and herbivore performance in a foundation tree species. Functional Ecology 35 (1), pp. 54 - 66 (2021)
Journal Article
Ferlian, O.; Lintzel, E.-M.; Bruelheide, H.; Guerra, C. A.; Heklau, H.; Jurburg, S.; Kühn, P.; Martinez-Medina, A.; Unsicker, S.; Eisenhauer, N. et al.; Schädler, M.: Nutrient status not secondary metabolites drives herbivory and pathogen infestation across differently mycorrhized tree monocultures and mixtures. Basic and Applied Ecology 55, pp. 110 - 123 (2021)
Journal Article
Laupheimer, S.; Kurzweil, L.; Proels, R.; Unsicker, S.; Stark, T. D.; Dawid, C.; Hückelhoven, R.: Volatile-mediated signalling in barley induces metabolic reprogramming and resistance against the biotrophic fungus Blumeria hordei. Plant Biology 25 (1), pp. 72 - 84 (2021)
Journal Article
Thakur, M. P.; Künne, T.; Unsicker, S.; Biere, A.; Ferlian, O.; Pruschitzki, U.; Thouvenot, L.; Türke, M.; Eisenhauer, N.: Invasive earthworms reduce chemical defense and increase herbivory and pathogen infection in native trees. Journal of Ecology 109 (2), pp. 763 - 775 (2021)
Journal Article
Walther, C.; Baumann, P.; Luck, K.; Rothe, B.; Biedermann, P.; Gershenzon, J.; Köllner, T. G.; Unsicker, S.: Volatile emission and biosynthesis in endophytic fungi colonizing black poplar leaves. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 17, pp. 1698 - 1711 (2021)
Journal Article
Eberl, F.; Fernandez de Bobadilla, M.; Reichelt, M.; Hammerbacher, A.; Gershenzon, J.; Unsicker, S.: Herbivory meets fungivory: insect herbivores feed on plant pathogenic fungi for their own benefit. Ecology Letters 23 (7), pp. 1073 - 1084 (2020)
Journal Article
Lackus, N.; Müller, A. T.; Kröber, T.; Reichelt, M.; Schmidt, A.; Nakamura, Y.; Paetz, C.; Luck, K.; Lindroth, R. L.; Constabel, C. P. et al.; Unsicker, S.; Gershenzon, J.; Köllner, T. G.: The occurrence of sulfated salicinoids in poplar and their formation by sulfotransferase 1. Plant Physiology 183 (1), pp. 137 - 151 (2020)
Journal Article
Müller, C.; Bräutigam, A.; Eilers, E. J.; Junker, R. R.; Schnitzler, J.-P.; Steppuhn, A.; Unsicker, S.; van Dam, N. M.; Weisser, W. W.; Wittmann, M. J.: Ecology and evolution of intraspecific chemodiversity of plants. Research Ideas and Outcomes 6, e49810 (2020)
Journal Article
Wei, G.; Eberl, F.; Chen, X.; Zhang, C.; Unsicker, S.; Köllner, T. G.; Gershenzon, J.; Chen, F.: Evolution of isoprenyl diphosphate synthase-like terpene synthases in fungi. Scientific Reports 10, 14944 (2020)
Journal Article
Clavijo McCormick, A. L.; Irmisch, S.; Boeckler, A.; Gershenzon, J.; Köllner, T. G.; Unsicker, S.: Herbivore-induced volatile emission from old-growth black poplar trees under field conditions. Scientific Reports 9, 7714 (2019)
Journal Article
Douma, J. C.; Ganzeveld, L. N.; Unsicker, S.; Boeckler, G. A.; Dicke, M.: What makes a volatile organic compound a reliable indicator of insect herbivory? Plant, Cell and Environment 42 (12), pp. 3308 - 3325 (2019)
Journal Article
Eberl, F.; Uhe, C.; Unsicker, S.: Friend or foe? The role of leaf-inhabiting fungal pathogens and endophytes in tree-insect interactions. Fungal Ecology 38, pp. 104 - 112 (2019)
Journal Article
Eisenhauer, N.; Bonkowski, M.; Brose, U.; Buscot, F.; Durka, W.; Ebeling, A.; Fischer, M.; Gleixner, G.; Heintz-Buschart, A.; Hines, J. et al.; Jesch, A.; Lange, M.; Meyer, S.; Roscher, C.; Scheu, S.; Schielzeth, H.; Schloter, M.; Schulz, S.; Unsicker, S.; van Dam, N. M.; Weigelt, A.; Weisser, W. W.; Wirth, C.; Wolf, J.; Schmid, B.: Biotic interactions, community assembly, and ecoevolutionary dynamics as drivers of long-term biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships. Research Ideas and Outcomes 5, e47042 (2019)
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