Publications of D. Pedersen

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Kliebenstein, D.; Pedersen, D.; Barker, B.; Mitchell-Olds, T.: Comparative analysis of quantitative trait loci controlling glucosinolates, myrosinase and insect resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetics 161 (1), pp. 325 - 332 (2002)
Journal Article
Kliebenstein, D. J.; Kroymann, J.; Brown, P.; Figuth, A.; Pedersen, D.; Gershenzon, J.; Mitchell-Olds, T.: Genetic control of natural variation in Arabidopsis glucosinolate accumulation. Plant Physiology 126 (2), pp. 811 - 825 (2001)
Journal Article
Marler, M.; Pedersen, D.; Mitchell-Olds, T.; Callaway, R. M.: A polymerase chain reaction method for detecting dwarf mistletoe infection in douglas-fir and western larch. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29 (9), pp. 1317 - 1321 (1999)
Journal Article
Mitchell-Olds, T.; Pedersen, D.: The molecular basis of quantitative genetic variation in central and secondary metabolism in Arabidopsis. Genetics 149 (2), pp. 739 - 747 (1998)
Journal Article
Mitchell-Olds, T.; Siemens, D.; Pedersen, D.: Physiology and costs of resistance to herbivory and disease in Brassica. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 80 (1), pp. 231 - 237 (1996)