Building bridges in science: Practice empathy, listen actively and become an ally

Transferable skill course

  • Date: Dec 5, 2023
  • Speaker: Emma Geoffray
  • Location: Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology
  • Room: A1.041

Training Objectives

Enhance your interpersonal communication skills and learn how to support gender, sexual, and cultural minorities in the research community. Through interactive discussions, this workshop highlights the importance of empathy, active listening, diversity and allyship in research environments. Providing practical strategies to build strong connections, maintain effective communication, promote inclusivity and create positive change in your academic community.Understand the impact of empathy on collaboration. Cultivate active listening skills to decode, then respond to others' perspectives and needs. Strengthen relationships with supervisors,peers, and collaborators. Navigate conflicts constructively through empathetic communication.Gain an understanding of the challenges faced by minorities in scientific fields. Develop skills to become an effective ally and advocate for inclusivity and equity. Discover strategies to foster diversity, manage unconscious bias, and create welcoming spaces for all. Address sensitive topics in a constructive dialogue to promote understanding.In particular, we will cover:

• The research behind empathy and active listening,
• How to practice perspective shifting with empathy maps,
• Verbal and non-verbal cues,
• Asking for context while looking for subtext,
• What is an empathetic response and how to individualize it.
• The research behind unconscious bias and intersectionality,
• How to create an allyship action plan,
• What are stereotype threat and how they can affect academic performance,
• Noticing and combating microaggressions.

Participants get to practice their empathetic response and refine their listening skills in small groups. We will also dive deep into several diversity topics through scenario analyses and round table discussions. By actively engaging in this workshop, you will connect with peers and commit to becoming an ally in your research community. Join us to expand your perception of the ways people communicate. Together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment where everyone can thrive and contribute to scientific advancements.

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