List of publications

Book Chapter (17)

Book Chapter
Schneider, B.: Natural products: Liquid chromatography - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. In: Encyclopedia of Separation Science, Vol. 7, pp. 3434 - 3445 (Eds. Wilson, I. D.; Adlard, T. R.; Cooke, M.; Poole, C. F.). Academic Press, London (2000)
Book Chapter
Adam, G.; Schneider, B.: Uptake, transport and metabolism. In: Brassinosteroids: Steroidal Plant Hormones, pp. 113 - 136 (Eds. Sakurai, A.; Yokota, T.; Clouse, S. D.). Springer, Tokyo (1999)
Book Chapter
Kolbe, A.; Krauss, G.; Schneider, B.: Ornithopus sativus Brot. (Serradella): In vitro culture, phytochemical studies, and biotransformation. In: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants XI. Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 43, pp. 310 - 323 (Ed. Bajaj , Y. P. S.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1999)
Book Chapter
Kolbe, A.; Krauss, G.; Schneider, B.: Ornithopus sativus Brot. (Serradella): In vitro culture, phytochemical studies, and biotransformation. In: Medicinal and aromatic plants XI, pp. 310 - 323 (Ed. Bajaj, Y. P. S.). Springer, Berlin (1999)
Book Chapter
Krause, U.; Schneider, B.: Investigations on the phenylpropane biosynthesis in in vitro cultures of Zingiberaceae spp. In: Natural Product Analysis, pp. 393 - 394 (Eds. Schreier, P.; Herderich, M.; Humpf, H.-U.; Schwab, W.). Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden (1998)
Book Chapter
Opitz, S.; Koehler, G.; Mabelis, A.: Local movement of the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus (Zett.). In: Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology of the Netherlands Entomological Society (N.E.V.), pp. 53 - 58 (Eds. Sommeijer, M. J.; Francke, P. J.). Netherlands Entomological Society, Plantage Middenlaan 64, 1018 DH Amsterdam 414, Netherlands (1998)
Book Chapter
Porzel, A.; Hai, T.; Kolbe, A.; Schneider, B.; Adam, G.: Structure elucidation of brassinosteroid metabolites by NMR spectroscopy. In: Natural Product Analysis, pp. 135 - 136 (Ed. Schreier, P.). Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden (1998)
Book Chapter
Schmitt, B.; Schneider, B.: NMR-Spectroscopic investigations on the dynamics of phenylpropane biosynthetic pathways in Anigozanthos preissii. In: Natural Product Analysis, pp. 127 - 128 (Ed. Schreier, P.). Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden (1998)
Book Chapter
Schneider, B.; Hölscher, D.; Kolbe, A.; Blitzke, T.: HPLC-NMR in phytochemical analysis. In: Natural Product Analysis, pp. 137 - 142 (Ed. Schreier, P.). Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden (1998)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Schneider, B.; Kolbe, A.; Winter, J.; Porzel, A.; Schmidt, J.; Strack, D.; Adam, G.: Pathways and enzymology of brassinosteroid metabolism. In: Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulator Society of America, 24. Annual Meeting. Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulator Society of America, 24. Annual Meeting , Atlanta, GA, USA. (1997)
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