Department of Insect Symbiosis
Journal Article (18)
Journal Article
29, pp. 38 - 41 (2023)
Funktionelle Genomik von intrazellulären Bakterien beim Getreideplattkäfer. Biospektrum
Journal Article
15 (4), 302 (2023)
An assassin’s secret: multifunctional cytotoxic compounds in the predation venom of the assassin bug Psytalla horrida (Reduviidae, Hemiptera). Toxins
Journal Article
290 (1995), 20222064 (2023)
You are what you eat—ecological niche and microhabitat influence venom activity and composition in aquatic bugs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Journal Article
19 (5), 20230100 (2023)
Colonization dynamics of a defensive insect ectosymbiont. Biology Letters
Journal Article
12, e83469 (2023)
Protein feeding mediates sex pheromone biosynthesis in an insect. eLife
Journal Article
19 (11), 20230301 (2023)
Protection of a defensive symbiont does not constrain the composition of the multifunctional hydrocarbon profile in digger wasps. Biology Letters
Journal Article
120 (31), e2302721120 (2023)
Host hydrocarbons protect symbiont transmission from a radical host defense. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Journal Article
14, 1199370 (2023)
Endosymbiosis allows Sitophilus oryzae to persist in dry conditions. Frontiers in Microbiology
Journal Article
17, pp. 1029 - 1039 (2023)
Cuticle supplementation and nitrogen recycling by a dual bacterial symbiosis in a family of xylophagous beetles. The ISME Journal
Journal Article
163, 104040 (2023)
Different myrosinases activate sequestered glucosinolates in larvae and adults of the horseradish flea beetle. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Journal Article
17, pp. 1798 - 1807 (2023)
Impact of intraspecific variation in insect microbiomes on host phenotype and evolution. The ISME Journal
Journal Article
7 (5), pp. 1 - 12 (2023)
Jumping to new hosts: the diversification of flea beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticini) in the context of their host plant associations. Insect Systematics and Diversity
Journal Article
14, 3666 (2023)
A salivary GMC oxidoreductase of Manduca sexta re-arranges the green leaf volatile profile of its host plant. Nature Communications
Journal Article
17, pp. 2221 - 2231 (2023)
Nutrient supplementation by genome-eroded Burkholderia symbionts of scale insects. The ISME Journal
Journal Article
90, pp. 305 - 319 (2023)
Fungal symbiont community and absence of detectable mycangia in invasive Euplatypus ambrosia beetles. Symbiosis
Journal Article
8, pp. 2234 - 2237 (2023)
The Nagoya Protocol and its implications for microbiology. Nature Microbiology
Journal Article
32 (5), pp. 469 - 483 (2023)
Genome sequencing provides insights into the evolution of gene families encoding plant cell wall-degrading enzymes in longhorned beetles. Insect Molecular Biology
Journal Article
114 (2), pp. 1 - 14 (2023)
First evidence of a horizontally-acquired GH-7 cellobiohydrolase from a longhorned beetle genome. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology Preprint (1)
Functional coherence among miRNA targets: a potential metric for assessing biological signal among target prediction methods in non-model species. EcoEvoRxiv (2023)
Book (1)
Techniques of Insect Histology. A guideline for the preparation of insects for light microscopic analysis. (2023)