Publications of Sarah E. O'Connor

Journal Article (162)

Journal Article
Carqueijeiro, I.; Brown, S.; Chung, K.; Dang, T.-T.; Walia, M.; Besseau, S.; de Bernonville, T. D.; Oudin, A.; Lanoue, A.; Billet, K. et al.; Munsch, T.; Koudounas, K.; Melin, C.; Godon, C.; Razafimandimby, B.; de Craene, J.-O.; Glévarec, G.; Marc, J.; Giglioli-Guivarc’h, N.; Clastre, M.; St-Pierre, B.; Papon, N.; Andrade, R. B.; O'Connor, S. E.; Courdavaulta, V.: Two tabersonine 6,7-epoxidases start synthesis of lochnericine-type alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus. Plant Physiology 177 (4), pp. 1473 - 1486 (2018)
Journal Article
Carqueijeiro, I.; de Bernonville, T. D.; Lanoue, A.; Dang, T.-T.; Teijaro, C.; Paetz, C.; Billet, K.; Mosquera, A.; Oudin, A.; Besseau, S. et al.; Papon, N.; Glévarec, G.; Atehortùa, L.; Clastre, M.; Giglioli-Guivarc'h, N.; Schneider, B.; St-Pierre, B.; Andrade, R. B.; O’Connor, S. E.; Courdavault, V.: A BAHD acyltransferase catalyzing 19-O-acetylation of tabersonine derivatives in roots of Catharanthus roseus enables combinatorial synthesis of monoterpene indole alkaloids. The Plant Journal 49 (3), pp. 469 - 484 (2018)
Journal Article
Casini, A.; Chang, F.-Y.; Eluere, R.; King, A. M.; Young, E. M.; Dudley, Q. M.; Karim, A.; Pratt, K.; Bristol, C.; Forget, A. et al.; Ghodasara, A.; Warden-Rothman, R.; Gan, R.; Cristofaro, A.; Borujeni, A. E.; Ryu, M.-H.; Li, J.; Kwon, Y.-C.; Wang, H.; Tatsis, E.; Rodriguez-Lopez, C.; O'Connor, S. E.; Medema, M. H.; Fischbach, M. A.; Jewett, M. C.; Voigt, C.; Gordon, D. B.: A pressure test to make 10 molecules in 90 days: external evaluation of methods to engineer biology. Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (12), pp. 4302 - 4316 (2018)
Journal Article
Dang, T.-T. T.; Franke, J.; Carqueijeiro, I. S. T.; Langley, C.; Courdavault, V.; O'Connor, S. E.: Sarpagan bridge enzyme has substrate-controlled cyclization and aromatization modes. Nature Chemical Biology 14 (8), pp. 760 - 763 (2018)
Journal Article
Farrow, S. C.; Kamileen, M. O.; Meades, J.; Ameyaw, B.; Xiao, Y.; O'Connor, S. E.: Cytochrome P450 and O-methyltransferase catalyze the final steps in the biosynthesis of the anti-addictive alkaloid ibogaine from Tabernanthe iboga. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 293 (36), pp. 13821 - 13833 (2018)
Journal Article
Sherden, N. H.; Lichman, B.; Caputi, L.; Zhao, D.; Kamileen, M. O.; Buell, C. R.; O'Connor, S. E.: Identification of iridoid synthases from Nepeta species: Iridoid cyclization does not determine nepetalactone stereochemistry. Phytochemistry 145, pp. 48 - 56 (2018)
Journal Article
Stavrinides , A. K.; Tatsis , E. C.; Dang, T.-T.; Caputi, L.; Stevenson, C. E. M.; Lawson, D. M.; Schneider, B.; O'Connor, S. E.: Discovery of a short-chain dehydrogenase from Catharanthus roseus that produces a new monoterpene indole alkaloid. Chembiochem 19 (9), pp. 940 - 948 (2018)
Journal Article
Dang, T.-T. T.; Franke, J.; Tatsis, E.; O'Connor, S. E.: Dual catalytic activity of a cytochrome P450 controls bifurcation at a metabolic branch point of alkaloid biosynthesis in Rauwolfia serpentina. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56 (32), pp. 9440 - 9444 (2017)
Journal Article
de Bernonville, T. D.; Carqueijeiro, I.; Lanoue, A.; Lafontaine, F.; Bel, P. S.; Liesecke, F.; Musset, K.; Oudin, A.; Glevarec, G.; Pichon, O. et al.; Besseau, S.; Clastre, M.; St-Pierre, B.; Flors, V.; Maury, S.; Huguet, E.; O'Connor, S. E.; Courdavault, V.: Folivory elicits a strong defense reaction in Catharanthus roseus: metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses reveal distinct local and systemic responses. Scientific Reports 7, 40453 (2017)
Journal Article
Kries, H.; Kellner, F.; Kamileen, M. O.; O'Connor, S. E.: Inverted stereocontrol of iridoid synthase in snapdragon. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 292 (35), pp. 14659 - 14667 (2017)
Journal Article
Larsen, B.; Fuller, V. L.; Pollier, J.; Moerkercke, A. V.; Schweizer, F.; Payne, R.; Colinas, M.; O'Connor, S. E.; Goossens, A.; Halkier, B. A.: Identification of iridoid glucoside transporters in Catharanthus roseus. Plant and Cell Physiology 58 (9), pp. 1507 - 1518 (2017)
Journal Article
Leisner, C. P.; Kamileen, M. O.; Conway, M. E.; O'Connor, S. E.; Buell, C. R.: Differential iridoid production as revealed by a diversity panel of 84 cultivated and wild blueberry species. PLoS One 12 (6), e0179417 (2017)
Journal Article
O’Connor, S. E.: Raising the BAR of specificity. Nature Plants 3, pp. 924 - 925 (2017)
Journal Article
Patallo, E. P.; Walter, A.; Milbredt, D.; Thomas, M.; Neumann, M.; Caputi, L.; O'Connor, S. E.; Ludwog-Müller, J.; van Pée, K.-H.: Strategies to produce chlorinated indole-3-acetic acid and indole-3-acetic acid intermediates. ChemistrySelect 2 (34), pp. 11148 - 11153 (2017)
Journal Article
Payne, R. M. E.; Xu, D.; Foureau, E.; Carqueijeiro, M. I. S. T.; Oudin, A.; de Bernonville, T. D.; Novak, V.; Burow, M.; Olsen, C.-E.; Jones, D. M. et al.; Tatsis, E. C.; Pendle, A.; Halkier, B. A.; Geu-Flores, F.; Courdavault, V.; Nour-Eldin, H. H.; O’Connor, S. E.: An NPF transporter exports a central monoterpene indole alkaloid intermediate from the vacuole. Nature 3, 16208 (2017)
Journal Article
Tatsis, E. C.; Carqueijeiro, I.; de Bernonville, T. D.; Franke, J.; Dang, T.-T. T.; Oudin, A.; Lanoue, A.; Lafontaine, F.; Stavrinides, A. K.; Clastre, M. et al.; Courdavault , V. . E.; O’Connor, S. E.: A three enzyme system to generate the Strychnos alkaloid scaffold from a central biosynthetic intermediate. Nature Communications 8, 316 (2017)
Journal Article
Alagna, F.; Geu-Flores, F.; Kries, H.; Panara, F.; Baldoni, L.; O'Connor, S. E.; Osbourn, A.: Identification and characterization of the iridoid synthase involved in oleuropein biosynthesis in olive (Olea europaea) fruits. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 291 (11), pp. 5542 - 5554 (2016)
Journal Article
Jakubczyk, D.; Caputi, L.; Stevenson, C. E. M.; Lawson, D. M.; O'Connor, S. E.: Structural characterization of EasH (Aspergillus japonicus) - an oxidase involved in cycloclavine biosynthesis. Chemical Communications 52 (99), pp. 14306 - 14309 (2016)
Journal Article
Kries, H.; Caputi, L.; Stevenson, C. E. M.; Kamileen, M. O.; Sherden, N. H.; Geu-Flores, F.; Lawson, D. M.; O'Connor, S. E.: Structural determinants of reductive terpene cyclization in iridoid biosynthesis. Nature Chemical Biology 12 (1), pp. 6 - 8 (2016)
Journal Article
Kries, H.; O'Connor, S. E.: Biocatalysts from alkaloid producing plants. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 31, pp. 22 - 30 (2016)
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