Publications of Rayko Halitschke

Journal Article (88)

Journal Article
Pradhan, M.; Rocha, C.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, I. T.; Pandey, S. P.: microRNA390 modulates Nicotiana attenuata's tolerance response to Manduca sexta herbivory. Plant Direct 5 (10), e350 (2021)
Journal Article
Schott, M.; Sandmann, M.; Cresswell, J. E.; Becher, M. A.; Eichner, G.; Brandt, D. T.; Halitschke, R.; Krueger, S.; Morlock, G.; Düring, R.-A. et al.; Vilcinskas, A.; Meixner, M. D.; Büchler, R.; Brandt, A.: Honeybee colonies compensate for pesticide-induced effects on royal jelly composition and brood survival with increased brood production. Scientific Reports 11, 62 (2021)
Journal Article
Cortés Llorca, L.; Li, R.; Yon, F.; Schäfer, M.; Halitschke, R.; Robert, C.; Kim, S.-G.; Baldwin, I. T.: ZEITLUPE facilitates the rhythmic movements of Nicotiana attenuata flowers. The Plant Journal 103 (1), pp. 308 - 322 (2020)
Journal Article
Li, D.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, I. T.; Gaquerel, E.: Information theory tests critical predictions of plant defense theory for specialized metabolism. Science Advances 6 (24), eaaz0381 (2020)
Journal Article
Li, S.; Joo, Y.; Cao, D.; Li, R.; Lee, G.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, G.; Baldwin, I. T.; Wang, M.: Strigolactone signaling regulates specialized metabolism in tobacco stems and interactions with stem-feeding herbivores. PLoS Biology 18 (8), e3000830 (2020)
Journal Article
McGale, E.; Valim, H.; Mittal, D.; Morales Jimenez, J.; Halitschke, R.; Schuman, M. C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Determining the scale at which variation in a single gene changes population yields. eLife 9, e53517 (2020)
Journal Article
Valim, H.; Dalton, H.; Joo, Y.; McGale, E.; Halitschke, R.; Gaquerel, E.; Baldwin, I. T.; Schuman, M. C.: TOC1 in Nicotiana attenuata regulates efficient allocation of nitrogen to defense metabolites under herbivory stress. New Phytologist 228 (4), pp. 1227 - 1242 (2020)
Journal Article
Gegner, J.; Baudach, A.; Mukherjee, K.; Halitschke, R.; Vogel, H.; Vilcinskas, A.: Epigenetic mechanisms are involved in sex-specific trans-generational immune priming in the lepidopteran model host Manduca sexta. Frontiers in Physiology 10, 137 (2019)
Journal Article
Guo, H.; Halitschke, R.; Wielsch, N.; Gase, K.; Baldwin, I. T.: Mate selection in self-compatible wild tobacco results from coordinated variation in homologous self-incompatibility genes. Current Biology 27 (12), pp. 2020 - 2030 (2019)
Journal Article
He, J.; Fandino, R. A.; Halitschke, R.; Luck, K.; Köllner, T. G.; Murdock, M. H.; Ray, R.; Gase, K.; Knaden, M.; Baldwin, I. T. et al.; Schuman, M. C.: An unbiased approach elucidates variation in (S)-(+)-linalool, a context-specific mediator of a tri-trophic interaction in wild tobacco. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (29), pp. 14651 - 14660 (2019)
Journal Article
Mindt, E.; Wang, M.; Schäfer, M.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: Quantification of blumenol derivatives as leaf biomarkers for plant-AMF association. Bio-protocol 9 (14), e3301 (2019)
Journal Article
Ray, R.; Li, D.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: Using natural variation to achieve a whole‐plant functional understanding of the responses mediated by jasmonate signaling. The Plant Journal 99 (3), pp. 414 - 425 (2019)
Journal Article
Schmidtberg, H.; Shukla, S.; Halitschke, R.; Vogel, H.; Vilcinskas, A.: Symbiont‐mediated chemical defense in the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis. Ecology and Evolution 9 (4), pp. 1715 - 1729 (2019)
Journal Article
Valim, H.; McGale, E.; Yon, F.; Halitschke, R.; Fragoso, V.; Schuman, M. C.; Baldwin, I. T.: The clock gene TOC1 in shoots, not roots, determines fitness of Nicotiana attenuata under drought. Plant Physiology 181 (1), pp. 305 - 318 (2019)
Journal Article
Ha, J.; Kim, J.; Kim, S.; Sim, H.; Lee, G.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, I. T.; Kim, J.; Park, C.: Shoot phytochrome B modulates reactive oxygen species homeostasis in roots via abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 94 (5), pp. 790 - 798 (2018)
Journal Article
Li, J.; Schuman, M. C.; Halitschke, R.; Li, X.; Guo, H.; Grabe, V.; Hammer, A.; Baldwin, I. T.: The decoration of specialized metabolites influences stylar development. eLife 7, e38611 (2018)
Journal Article
Li, R.; Schuman, M. C.; Wang, Y.; Cortés Llorca, L.; Bing, J.; Bennion, A.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: Jasmonate signaling makes flowers attractive to pollinators and repellant to florivores in nature. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 60 (3), pp. 190 - 194 (2018)
Journal Article
Schetelig, M. F.; Lee, K.-Z.; Otto, S.; Talmann, L.; Stökl, J.; Degenkolb, T.; Vilcinskas, A.; Halitschke, R.: Environmentally sustainable pest control options for Drosophila suzukii. Journal of Applied Entomology 142 (1-2), pp. 3 - 17 (2018)
Journal Article
Wang, M.; Schäfer, M.; Li, D.; Halitschke, R.; Dong, C.-F.; McGale, E.; Paetz, C.; Song, Y.; Li, S.; Dong, J. et al.; Heiling, S.; Groten, K.; Franken, P.; Bitterlich, M.; Harrison, M.; Paszkowski, U.; Baldwin, I. T.: Blumenols as shoot markers for root symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. eLife 7, e37093 (2018)
Journal Article
Leckie, B. M.; D'Ambrosio, D. A.; Chappell, T. M.; Halitschke, R.; De Jong, D. M.; Kessler, A.; Kennedy, G. G.; Mutschler, M. A.: Differential and synergistic functionality of acylsugars in suppressing oviposition by insect herbivores. PLoS One 11 (4), e0153345 (2016)
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