Publications of J. Gershenzon
All genres
Book Chapter (32)
Book Chapter
Secondary metabolites and plant defense. In: Plant Physiology, 3rd Ed., pp. 283 - 308 (Eds. Taiz, L.; Zeiger, E.). Sinauer, Sunderland, Ma (2002)
Book Chapter
Biochemical, molecular genetic and evolutionary aspects of defense-related terpenoid metabolism in conifers. In: Evolution of Metabolic Pathways, pp. 109 - 150 (Eds. De Luca, V.; Ibrahim, R.; Romeo, J.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2000)
Book Chapter
Pflanzliche Abwehrmechanismen: Substanzen für den Schutz von Oberflächen und sekondäre Pflanzenstoffe. In: Physiologie der Pflanzen, pp. 347 - 377 (Eds. Taiz, L.; Zeiger, E.). Spektrum Akad. Verl., Heidelberg ; Berlin (2000)
Book Chapter
Biosynthesis of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, sterols, cardiac glycosides and steroid saponins. In: Biochemistry of Plant Secondary Metabolism, pp. 222 - 299 (Ed. Wink, M.). Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield (1999)
Book Chapter
Plant defenses: surface protectants and secondary matabolites. In: Plant Physiology, 2nd ed. Ed., pp. 347 - 376 (Eds. Taiz, L.; Zeiger, E.). Sinauer, Sunderland, Mass. (1998)
Book Chapter
Allocation theory and chemical defense. In: Plant Resource Allocation, pp. 265 - 277 (Eds. Bazzaz, F. A.; Grace, J.). Academic Press, San Diego (1997)
Book Chapter
28, pp. 193 - 229 (Eds. Ellis, B.E.; Kuroki, G.W.; Stafford, H.A.). Plenum Press, New York (1994)
Genetic control of monoterpene biosynthesis in mints. In: Genetic Engineering of Plant Secondary Metabolism, Recent Advances in Phytochemistry, Vol.
Book Chapter
The cost of plant chemical defense against herbivory: A biochemeical perspective. In: Insect-Plant Interactions, pp. 105 - 173 (Ed. Bernays, E. A.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla. [u.a.] (1994)
Book Chapter
Terpenoid biosynthesis: The basic pathway and formation of monoterpenes, sesqiuterpenes, an diterpenes. In: Lipid Metabolism in Plants (Ed. Moore, T. S.) (1993)
Book Chapter
Terpenoids. In: Herbivores: Their interactions with secondary plant metabolites, second edition, Vol. 1: The chemical participants, pp. 165 - 219 (Ed. Rosenthal, G. A.). Academic Press, San Diego, London (1992)
Book Chapter
Surface protection and secondary defense compounds. In: Plant Physiology, pp. 318 - 345 (Eds. Taiz, L.; Zeiger, E.). Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Mass. (1991)
Book Chapter
Biosynthetic methods for plant natural products: New procedures for the study of glandular trichome consistuents. In: Modern phytochemical methods, pp. 347 - 370 (Eds. Fischer, N. H.; Isman, M.B.; Stafford, H.A.). Plenum Press, New York, N.Y. [u.a.] (1991)
Book Chapter
Regulation of monoterpene biosynthesis in higher plants. In: Biochemistry of the mevalonic acid pathway to terpenoids, pp. 99 - 160 (Eds. Towers, G.H.N.; Stafford, H.A.). Plenum Press, New York (1990)
Book Chapter
Insect Antifeedant Terpenoids in Wild Sunflower - A Possible Source of Resistance to the Sunflower Moth. In: Bioregulators for Pest Control, pp. 432 - 446 (Ed. Hedin, P.A.). AMER CHEMICAL SOC, Washington D.C. (1985)
Book (2)
Problems and perspectives in the study of metabolic turnover of plant secondary metabolites. Plenum Press, New York [u.a.] (1992), 229-238 pp.
Changes in the production of plant secondary metabolites under water and nutrient stress. Plenum Press, New York (1984), 273-320 pp.
Conference Paper (3)
Conference Paper
Importance of glucosinolates in determining diamondback moth preference and host range. In: Proceedings of the 6th International workshop on management of diamondback moth and other crucifer insect pests, pp. 63 - 66. 6th International workshop on management of diamondback moth and other crucifer insect pests , Nakhon Pathom, Thailand, March 21, 2011 - March 25, 2011. (2011)
Conference Paper
69. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. (1991)
Ecological and metabolic significance of monoterpene catabolism. In: 201st National Meeting ATLANTA, Chemical & Engineering News, Vol. 1981
Conference Paper
New chemical evidence and modern systems in Angiosperm classification. In: Proceedings of the International Botanical Congress, p. 121. (1981)
Film (1)
Which chemical traits protect the roots of dandelions against insect damage? (2016)