Publications of Ian Thomas Baldwin

Journal Article (526)

Journal Article
Groten, K.; Nawaz, A.; Nguyen, N. T. H.; Santhanam, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: Silencing a key gene of the common symbiosis pathway in Nicotiana attenuata specifically impairs arbuscular mycorrhizal infection without influencing the root-associated microbiome or plant growth. Plant, Cell and Environment 38 (11), pp. 2398 - 2416 (2015)
Journal Article
Groten, K.; Pahari, N.; Xu, S.; Miloradovic van Doorn, M.; Baldwin, I. T.: Virus-induced gene silencing using tobacco rattle virus as a tool to study the interaction between Nicotiana attenuata and Rhizophagus irregularis. PLoS One 10 (8), e0136234 (2015)
Journal Article
Jimenez-Aleman, G. H.; Machado, R. A. R.; Görls, H.; Baldwin, I. T.; Boland, W.: Synthesis, structural characterization and biological activity of two diastereomeric JA-Ile macrolactones. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 13 (21), pp. 5885 - 5893 (2015)
Journal Article
Kessler, D.; Kallenbach, M.; Diezel, C.; Rothe, E.; Murdock, M.; Baldwin, I. T.: How scent and nectar influence floral antagonists and mutualists. eLife 4, e07641 (2015)
Journal Article
Li, D.; Baldwin, I. T.; Gaquerel, E.: Navigating natural variation in herbivory-induced secondary metabolism in coyote tobacco populations using MS/MS structural analysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (30), pp. E4147 - E4155 (2015)
Journal Article
Ling, Z.; Zhou, W.; Baldwin, I. T.; Xu, S.: Insect herbivory elicits genome-wide alternative splicing responses in Nicotiana attenuata. The Plant Journal 84 (1), pp. 228 - 243 (2015)
Journal Article
Luu, V. T.; Schuck, S.; Kim, S.-G.; Weinhold, A.; Baldwin, I. T.: Jasmonic acid signaling mediates resistance of the wild tobacco Nicotiana attenuata to its native Fusarium, but not Alternaria, fungal pathogens. Plant, Cell and Environment 38 (3), pp. 572 - 584 (2015)
Journal Article
Machado, R. A. R.; Arce, C. C. M.; Ferrieri, A. P.; Baldwin, I. T.; Erb, M.: Jasmonate-dependent depletion of soluble sugars compromises plant resistance to Manduca sexta. New Phytologist 207 (1), pp. 91 - 105 (2015)
Journal Article
McCarthy, E. W.; Arnold, S. E. J.; Chittka, L.; Le Comber, S. C.; Verity, R.; Dodsworth, S.; Knapp, S.; Kelly, L. J.; Chase, M. W.; Baldwin, I. T. et al.; Kovařík, A.; Mhiri, C.; Taylor, L.; Leitch, A. R.: The effect of polyploidy and hybridisation on the evolution of floral colour in Nicotiana (Solanaceae). Annals of Botany 115 (7), pp. 1117 - 1131 (2015)
Journal Article
Poreddy, S.; Mitra, S.; Schöttner, M.; Chandran, J. N.; Schneider, B.; Baldwin, I. T.; Kumar, P.; Pandit, S. S.: Detoxification of hostplant’s chemical defense rather than its anti-predator co-option drives beta-glucosidase-mediated lepidopteran counter-adaptation. Nature Communications 6, 8525 (2015)
Journal Article
Santhanam, R.; Baldwin, I. T.; Groten, K.: In wild tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata, variation among bacterial communities of isogenic plants is mainly shaped by the local soil microbiota independently of the plants' capacity to produce jasmonic acid. Communicative & integrative biology 8 (2), e1017160 (2015)
Journal Article
Santhanam, R.; Luu, V. T.; Weinhold, A.; Goldberg, J. K.; Oh, Y.; Baldwin, I. T.: Native root-associated bacteria rescue a plant from a sudden-wilt disease that emerged during continuous cropping. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (36), pp. E5013 - E5020 (2015)
Journal Article
Schäfer, M.; Brütting, C.; Meza-Canales, I. D.; Großkinsky, D. K.; Vankova, R.; Baldwin, I. T.; Meldau, S.: The role of cis-zeatin-type cytokinins in plant growth regulation and mediating responses to environmental interactions. Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (16), pp. 4873 - 4884 (2015)
Journal Article
Schäfer, M.; Meza Canales, I. D.; Brütting, C.; Baldwin, I. T.; Meldau, S.: Cytokinin concentrations and CHASE-DOMAIN CONTAINING HIS KINASE 2 (NaCHK2)- and NaCHK3-mediated perception modulate herbivory-induced defense signaling and defenses in Nicotiana attenuata. New Phytologist 207 (3), pp. 645 - 658 (2015)
Journal Article
Schäfer, M.; Meza Canales, I. D.; Navarro-Quezada, A.; Brütting, C.; Radomira, V.; Baldwin, I. T.; Meldau, S.: Cytokinin levels and signaling respond to wounding and the perception of herbivore elicitors in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 57 (2), pp. 198 - 212 (2015)
Journal Article
Schuman, M. C.; Allmann, S.; Baldwin, I. T.: Plant defense phenotypes determine the consequences of volatile emission for individuals and neighbors. eLife 4, e04490 (2015)
Journal Article
Singh, R. K.; Gase, K.; Baldwin, I. T.; Pandey, S. P.: Molecular evolution and diversification of the Argonaute family of proteins in plants. BMC Plant Biology 15, 23 (2015)
Journal Article
Weinhold, A.; Wielsch, N.; Svatoš, A.; Baldwin, I. T.: Label-free nanoUPLC-MSE based quantification of antimicrobial peptides from the leaf apoplast of Nicotiana attenuata. BMC Plant Biology 25, 18 (2015)
Journal Article
Xu, S.; Zhou, W.; Baldwin, I. T.: The rapidly evolving associations among herbivore associated elicitor-induced phytohormones in Nicotiana. Plant Signaling & Behavior 10 (7), e1035850 (2015)
Journal Article
Xu, S.; Zhou, W.; Pottinger, S.; Baldwin, I. T.: Herbivore associated elicitor-induced defences are highly specific among closely related Nicotiana species. BMC Plant Biology 15, 2 (2015)
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