Publications of Ian Thomas Baldwin
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Journal Article (526)
Journal Article
99 (3), pp. 414 - 425 (2019)
Using natural variation to achieve a whole‐plant functional understanding of the responses mediated by jasmonate signaling. The Plant Journal
Journal Article
28 (5), pp. 1154 - 1169 (2019)
A suite of complementary biocontrol traits allows a native consortium of root‐associated bacteria to protect their host plant from a fungal sudden‐wilt disease. Molecular Ecology
Journal Article
70 (20), pp. 5895 - 5908 (2019)
An ERF2-like transcription factor regulates production of the defense sesquiterpene capsidiol upon Alternaria alternata infection. Journal of Experimental Botany
Journal Article
42 (11), pp. 2945 - 2961 (2019)
Priming and filtering of antiherbivore defences among Nicotiana attenuata plants connected by mycorrhizal networks. Plant, Cell and Environment
Journal Article
181 (1), pp. 305 - 318 (2019)
The clock gene TOC1 in shoots, not roots, determines fitness of Nicotiana attenuata under drought. Plant Physiology 2018
Journal Article
13 (6), e0197221 (2018)
Functional variation in a key defense gene structures herbivore communities and alters plant performance. PLoS One
Journal Article
7, e36268 (2018)
Cytokinin transfer by a free-living mirid to Nicotiana attenuata recapitulates a strategy of endophytic insects. eLife
Journal Article
94 (5), pp. 790 - 798 (2018)
Shoot phytochrome B modulates reactive oxygen species homeostasis in roots via abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal
Journal Article
6, 19 (2018)
Floral trait variations among wild tobacco populations influence the foraging behavior of hawkmoth pollinators. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Journal Article
32 (1), pp. 136 - 149 (2018)
Herbivore-induced volatile blends with both "fast" and "slow" components provide robust indirect defence in nature. Functional Ecology
Journal Article
7, e38611 (2018)
The decoration of specialized metabolites influences stylar development. eLife
Journal Article
177 (2), pp. 833 - 846 (2018)
ZEITLUPE in the roots of wild tobacco regulates jasmonate-mediated nicotine biosynthesis and resistance to a generalist herbivore. Plant Physiology
Journal Article
60 (3), pp. 190 - 194 (2018)
Jasmonate signaling makes flowers attractive to pollinators and repellant to florivores in nature. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
Journal Article
41 (4), pp. 797 - 808 (2018)
Aboveground herbivory induced jasmonates disproportionately reduce plant reproductive potential by facilitating root nematode infestation. Plant, Cell and Environment
Journal Article
219 (2), pp. 714 - 727 (2018)
Cry1Ac production is costly for native plants attacked by non‐Cry1Ac‐targeted herbivores in the field. New Phytologist
Journal Article
41 (11), pp. 2577 - 2588 (2018)
Root‐expressed phytochromes B1 and B2, but not PhyA and Cry2, regulate shoot growth in nature. Plant, Cell and Environment
Journal Article
19, 937 (2018)
Complex regulation of microRNAs in roots of competitively-grown isogenic Nicotiana attenuata plants with different capacities to interact with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. BMC Genomics
Journal Article
47 (14), pp. 5338 - 5353 (2018)
Field studies reveal functions of chemical mediators in plant interactions. Chemical Society Reviews
Journal Article
9, 789 (2018)
The active jasmonate JA-Ile regulates a specific subset of plant jasmonate-mediated resistance to herbivores in nature. Frontiers in Plant Science
Journal Article
9, 2683 (2018)
Large-scale gene losses underlie the genome evolution of parasitic plant Cuscuta australis. Nature Communications