Publications of I. T. Baldwin

Journal Article (526)

Journal Article
Heidel, A. J.; Baldwin, I. T.: Microarray analysis of salicylic acid- and jasmonic acid-signalling in responses of Nicotiana attenuata to attack by insects from multiple feeding guilds. Plant, Cell and Environment 27 (11), pp. 1362 - 1373 (2004)
Journal Article
Held, M.; Gase, K.; Baldwin, I. T.: Microarrays in ecological research: A case study of a cDNA microarray for plant-herbivore interactions. BMC Ecology 4, p. 13 (2004)
Journal Article
Kessler, A.; Baldwin, I. T.: Herbivore-induced plant vaccination. Part I. The orchestration of plant defenses in nature and their fitness consequences in the wild tobacco Nicotiana attenuata. The Plant Journal 38 (4), pp. 639 - 649 (2004)
Journal Article
Kessler, A.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: Silencing the jasmonate cascade: Induced plant defenses and insect populations. Science 305 (5684), pp. 665 - 668 (2004)
Journal Article
Lou, Y. G.; Baldwin, I. T.: Nitrogen supply influences herbivore-induced direct and indirect defenses and transcriptional responses to Nicotiana attenuata. Plant Physiology 135 (1), pp. 496 - 506 (2004)
Journal Article
Preston, C. A.; Becker, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: Is 'NO' news good news? Nitrogen oxides are not components of smoke that elicits germination in two smoke-stimulated species, Nicotiana attenuata and Emmenanthe penduliflora. Seed Science Research 14 (1), pp. 73 - 79 (2004)
Journal Article
Preston, C. A.; Laue, G.; Baldwin, I. T.: Plant-plant signaling: Application of trans- or cis-methyl jasmonate equivalent to sagebrush releases does not elicit direct defenses in native tobacco. Journal of Chemical Ecology 30 (11), pp. 2193 - 2214 (2004)
Journal Article
Qu, N.; Schittko, U.; Baldwin, I. T.: Consistency of Nicotiana attenuata's herbivore- and jasmonate-induced transcriptional responses in the allotetraploid species Nicotiana quadrivalvis and Nicotiana clevelandii. Plant Physiology 135 (1), pp. 539 - 548 (2004)
Journal Article
Roda, A.; Halitschke, R.; Steppuhn, A.; Baldwin, I. T.: Individual variability in herbivore-specific elicitors from the plant's perspective. Molecular Ecology 13 (8), pp. 2421 - 2433 (2004)
Journal Article
Saedler, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: Virus-induced gene silencing of jasmonate-induced direct defences, nicotine and trypsin proteinase-inhibitors in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Experimental Botany 55 (395), pp. 151 - 157 (2004)
Journal Article
Schmidt, D. D.; Kessler, A.; Kessler, D.; Schmidt, S.; Lim, M.; Gase, K.; Baldwin, I. T.: Solanum nigrum: A model ecological expression system and its tools. Molecular Ecology 13 (5), pp. 981 - 995 (2004)
Journal Article
Schüler, G.; Mithöfer, A.; Baldwin, I. T.; Berger, S.; Ebel, S.; Santos, J. G.; Herrmann, G.; Hölscher, D.; Kramell, R.; Kutchan, T. M. et al.; Maucher, H.; Schneider, B.; Stenzel, I.; Wasternack, C.; Boland, W.: Coronalon: a powerful tool in plant stress physiology. FEBS Letters 563 (1-3), pp. 17 - 22 (2004)
Journal Article
Schwachtje, J.; Baldwin, I. T.: Smoke exposure alters endogenous gibberellin and abscisic acid pools and gibberellin sensitivity while eliciting germination in the post-fire annual, Nicotiana attenuata. Seed Science Research 14 (1), pp. 51 - 60 (2004)
Journal Article
Steppuhn, A.; Gase, K.; Krock, B.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: Nicotine’s defensive function in nature. PLoS Biology 2 (8), p. e217 (2004)
Journal Article
Voelckel, C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Herbivore-induced plant vaccination. Part II. Array-studies reveal the transience of herbivore-specific transcriptional imprints and a distinct imprint from stress combinations. The Plant Journal 38 (4), pp. 650 - 663 (2004)
Journal Article
Voelckel, C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Generalist and specialist lepidopteran larvae elicit different transcriptional responses in Nicotiana attenuata, which correlate with larval FAC profiles. Ecology Letters 7 (9), pp. 770 - 775 (2004)
Journal Article
Voelckel, C.; Weisser, W. W.; Baldwin, I. T.: An analysis of plant-aphid interactions by different microarray hybridization strategies. Molecular Ecology 13, pp. 3187 - 3195 (2004)
Journal Article
von Dahl, C. C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Methyl jasmonate and cis-jasmone do not dispose of the herbivore-induced jasmonate burst in Nicotiana attenuata. Physiologia Plantarum 120 (3), pp. 474 - 481 (2004)
Journal Article
Zavala, J. A.; Baldwin, I. T.: Fitness benefits of trypsin proteinase inhibitor expression in Nicotiana attenuata are greater than their costs when plants are attacked. BMC Ecology 4, p. 11 (2004)
Journal Article
Zavala, J. A.; Patankar, A. G.; Gase, K.; Baldwin, I. T.: Constitutive and inducible trypsin proteinase inhibitor production incurs large fitness costs in Nicotiana attenuata. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (6), pp. 1607 - 1612 (2004)
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