Publications of I. T. Baldwin
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Journal Article (526)
Journal Article
31 (9), pp. 1203 - 1213 (2008)
Symbiosis between Nicotiana attenuata and Glomus intraradices: ethylene plays a role, jasmonic acid does not. Plant, Cell and Environment
Journal Article
146 (3), pp. 845 - 851 (2008)
Why does herbivore attack reconfigure primary metabolism? Plant Physiology
Journal Article
3 (2), p. e1543 (2008)
Reverse genetics in ecological research. PLoS ONE
Journal Article
20 (7), pp. 1984 - 2000 (2008)
Induced plant defenses in the natural environment: Nicotiana attenuata WRKY3 and WRKY6 coordinate responses to herbivory. The Plant Cell
Journal Article
17, pp. 3717 - 3732 (2008)
Silencing jasmonate signalling and jasmonate-mediated defenses reveals different survival strategies between two Nicotiana attenuata accessions. Molecular Ecology
Journal Article
146 (3), pp. 904 - 915 (2008)
Comparisons of LIPOXYGENASE3- and JASMONATE-RESISTANT4/6-silenced plants reveal that jasmonic acid and jasmonic acid-amino acid conjugates play different roles in herbivore resistance of Nicotiana attenuata. Plant Physiology
Journal Article
146 (3), pp. 927 - 939 (2008)
A comparison of two Nicotiana attenuata accessions reveals large differences in signaling induced by oral secretions of the specialist herbivore Manduca sexta. Plant Physiology
Journal Article
227 (5), pp. 1161 - 1168 (2008)
Methyl jasmonate-elicited herbivore resistance: does MeJA function as a signal without being hydrolyzed to JA? Planta
Journal Article
3 (4), p. e2008 (2008)
Digestive duet: midgut digestive proteinases of Manduca sexta ingesting Nicotiana attenuata with manipulated trypsin proteinase inhibitor expression. PLoS One 2007
Journal Article
10 (3), p. E1 (2007)
Technical comment on Adler et al. (2006): experimental design compromises conclusions. Ecology Letters
Journal Article
144 (2), pp. 1223 - 1232 (2007)
Sebacina vermifera promotes the growth and fitness of Nicotiana attenuata by inhibiting ethylene signaling. Plant Physiology
Journal Article
30 (11), pp. 1450 - 1464 (2007)
The hydroxyproline-rich glycopeptide systemin precursor NapreproHypSys does not play a central role in Nicotiana attenuata´s anti-herbivore defense responses. Plant, Cell and Environment
Journal Article
99 (1), pp. 103 - 109 (2007)
Solar ultraviolet-B radiation and insect herbivory trigger partially overlapping phenolic responses in Nicotiana attenuata and Nicotiana longiflora. Annals of Botany
Journal Article
17 (6), pp. 519 - 524 (2007)
The ecogenetics and ecogenomics of plant–herbivore interactions: rapid progress on a slippery road. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development
Journal Article
49 (5), pp. 840 - 854 (2007)
Making sense of nectar scents: the effects of nectar secondary metabolites on floral visitors of Nicotiana attenuata. The Plant Journal
Journal Article
50 (1), pp. 40 - 53 (2007)
RNA-directed RNA polymerase 1 (RdR1) mediates the resistance of Nicotiana attenuata to herbivore attack in nature. The Plant Journal
Journal Article
51 (1), pp. 79 - 91 (2007)
Co(i)-ordinating defenses: NaCOI1 mediates herbivore-induced resistance in Nicotiana attenuata and reveals the role of herbivore movement in avoiding defenses. The Plant Journal
Journal Article
58 (15-16), pp. 4071 - 4082 (2007)
Jasmonates and its mimics differentially elicit systemic defence responses in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Experimental Botany
Journal Article
52 (4), pp. 700 - 715 (2007)
Increased SA in NPR1-silenced plants antagonizes JA and JA-dependent direct and indirect defenses in herbivore-attacked Nicotiana attenuata in nature. The Plant Journal
Journal Article
10 (6), pp. 499 - 511 (2007)
Resistance management in a native plant: nicotine prevents herbivores from compensating for plant protease inhibitors. Ecology Letters