Publications of I.T. Baldwin
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Journal Article (526)
Journal Article
181, pp. 161 - 173 (2009)
Silencing two herbivory-activated MAP kinases, SIPK and WIPK, does not increase Nicotiana attenuata’s susceptibility to herbivores in the glasshouse and in nature. New Phytologist
Journal Article
159 (3), pp. 473 - 482 (2009)
Down-regulation of systemin after herbivory is associated with increased root allocation and competitive ability in Solanum nigrum. Oecologia
Journal Article
183, pp. 1134 - 1148 (2009)
Polymorphism in jasmonate signaling partially accounts for the variety of volatiles produced by Nicotiana attenuata plants in a native population. New Phytologist
Journal Article
4 (3), p. e4697 (2009)
An ecological analysis of the herbivory-elicited JA burst and its metabolism: plant memory processes and predictions of the moving target model. PLoS One
Journal Article
32 (9), pp. 1161 - 1174 (2009)
Herbivory-induced signalling in plants: perception and action. Plant, Cell and Environment 2008
Journal Article
11 (1), pp. 24 - 34 (2008)
Shared signals – “alarm calls” from plants increase apparency to herbivores and their enemies in nature. Ecology Letters
Journal Article
179 (2), pp. 356 - 365 (2008)
Optimized virus-induced gene silencing in Solanum nigrum reveals the defensive function of leucine aminopeptidase against herbivores and the shortcomings of empty vector controls. New Phytologist
Journal Article
146 (3), pp. 974 - 986 (2008)
Silencing geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase in Nicotiana attenuata dramatically impairs resistance to tobacco hornworm. Plant Physiology
Journal Article
26 (1), pp. 1 - 4 (2008)
Training molecularly enabled field biologists to understand organism-level gene function. Molecules and Cells
Journal Article
321 (5893), pp. 1200 - 1202 (2008)
Field experiments with transformed plants reveal the sense of floral scents. Science
Journal Article
3 (7), p. e2702 (2008)
Native bacterial endophytes promote host growth in a species-specific manner; phytohormone manipulations do not result in common growth responses. PLoS One
Journal Article
56 (3), pp. 376 - 388 (2008)
HAHB4, a sunflower HD-Zip protein, integrates signals from the jasmonic acid and ethylene pathways during wounding and biotic stress responses. The Plant Journal
Journal Article
148 (2), pp. 1128 - 1138 (2008)
Independent silencing of two photosynthetic proteins in Nicotiana attenuata has different effects on herbivore resistance. Plant Physiology
Journal Article
22, pp. 606 - 615 (2008)
Silencing 7 herbivory-regulated proteins in Nicotiana attenuata to understand their function in plant–herbivore interactions. Functional Ecology
Journal Article
54 (5), pp. 845 - 862 (2008)
Silencing RNA-directed RNA polymerase 2 increases the susceptibility of Nicotiana attenuata to UV in the field and in the glasshouse. The Plant Journal
Journal Article
147 (3), pp. 1212 - 1224 (2008)
RNA-directed RNA polymerase 3 from Nicotiana attenuata is required for competitive growth in natural environments. Plant Physiology
Journal Article
105 (12), pp. 4559 - 4564 (2008)
Herbivory-induced changes in the small-RNA transcriptome and phytohormone signaling in Nicotiana attenuata. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Journal Article
49 (8), pp. 1165 - 1175 (2008)
Jasmonate perception regulates jasmonate biosynthesis and JA-Ile metabolism: the case of COI1 in Nicotiana attenuata. Plant and Cell Physiology
Journal Article
8, p. 109 (2008)
Host-plant-mediated effects of Nadefensin on herbivore and pathogen resistance in Nicotiana attenuata. BMC Plant Biology
Journal Article
21 (7), pp. 988 - 1000 (2008)
PR-13/thionin but not PR-1 mediates bacterial resistance in Nicotiana attenuata in nature, and neither influences herbivore resistance. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions