Publications of Markus Knaden

Preprint (3)

Campetella, F.; Huber, R.; Klappenbach, M.; Wernecke, C.; Locatelli, F.; Felsenberg, J.; Hansson, B. S.; Knaden, M.; Sachse, S.: Olfactory learning modulates a neural circuit mediating innate odor-guided behavior in Drosophila. (2023)
Keesey, I.; Doll, G.; Das Chakraborty, S.; Baschwitz, A.; Lemoine, M.; Kaltenpoth, M.; Svatoš, A.; Sachse, S.; Knaden, M.; Hansson, B. S.: Alcohol boosts pheromone production in male flies and makes them sexier. (2020)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Hansson, B. S.; Harzsch, S.; Knaden, M.; Stensmyr, M.: The neural and behavioral basis of chemical communication in terrestrial crustaceans. In: Chemical Communication in Crustaceans, 1st Ed., pp. 149 - 173 (Eds. Breithaupt, T.; Thiel, M.). Springer Verlag (2011)
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