Publications of Georg Pohnert
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Journal Article (238)
Journal Article
18 (1), 42 (2020)
Ectoine from bacterial and algal origin is a compatible solute in microalgae. Marine Drugs
Journal Article
11, 1942 (2020)
Single-cell bacterial transcription measurements reveal the importance of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) hotspots in ocean sulfur cycling. Nature Communications
Journal Article
9 (5), e1014 (2020)
Phytoplankton‐derived zwitterionic gonyol and dimethylsulfonioacetate interfere with microbial dimethylsulfoniopropionate sulfur cycling. Microbiology
Journal Article
21 (17), pp. 2419 - 2424 (2020)
Mammalian-like inflammatory and pro-resolving oxylipins in marine algae. Chembiochem
Journal Article
10, 20444 (2020)
Metabolomics-derived marker metabolites to characterize Phaeocystis pouchetii physiology in natural plankton communities. Scientific Reports
Journal Article
11, 578204 (2020)
Simultaneous real-time measurement of isoprene and 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol emissions from trees using SIFT-MS. Frontiers in Plant Science
Journal Article
22 (9), pp. 3863 - 3882 (2020)
High CO2 concentration and iron availability determine the metabolic inventory in an Emiliania huxleyi‐dominated phytoplankton community. Environmental Microbiology
Journal Article
11, 3320 (2020)
The Seminavis robusta genome provides insights into the evolutionary adaptations of benthic diatoms. Nature Communications
Journal Article
26 (28), pp. 6205 - 6213 (2020)
Pyrrolic and dipyrrolic chlorophyll degradation products in plants and herbivores. Chemistry – A European Journal
Journal Article
5 (34), pp. 21401 - 21411 (2020)
Photoisomerization neutralizes vasoconstrictive activity of a heme degradation product. ACS Omega
Journal Article
59 (32), pp. 13511 - 13515 (2020)
Sulfonium acids loaded onto an unusual thiotemplate assembly line construct the cyclopropanol warhead of a Burkholderia virulence factor. Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Journal Article
76, 108286 (2020)
trans, trans-2,4-Decadienal, a lipid peroxidation product, induces inflammatory responses via Hsp90- or 14–3-3Zeta-dependent mechanisms. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 2019
Journal Article
55, pp. 11948 - 11951 (2019)
Halogenated anilines as novel natural products from a marine biofilm forming microalga. Chemical Communications
Journal Article
30 (4), pp. 573 - 580 (2019)
Gas-phase chemistry in the GC Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Journal Article
10, 172 (2019)
Live single-cell metabolomics with matrix-free laser/desorption ionization mass spectrometry to address microalgal physiology. Frontiers in Plant Science
Journal Article
85 (7), e02779-18 (2019)
The algicidal bacterium Kordia algicida shapes a natural plankton community. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Journal Article
8 (8), e00818 (2019)
Algicidal bacteria trigger contrasting responses in model diatom communities of different composition. MicrobiologyOpen
Journal Article
13, pp. 537 - 546 (2019)
Decision-making of the benthic diatom Seminavis robusta searching for inorganic nutrients and pheromones. The ISME Journal
Journal Article
8 (4), e694 (2019)
Selective chemoattraction of the benthic diatom Seminavis robusta to phosphate but not to inorganic nitrogen sources contributes to biofilm structuring. Microbiology
Journal Article
223 (1), pp. 100 - 106 (2019)
Algae−bacteria interactions that balance the planktonic microbiome. New Phytologist