Publications of W. Boland

Journal Article (464)

Journal Article
Boland, W.; Mertes, K.; Jaenicke, L.; Muller, D. G.; Folster, E.: Absolute configuration of multifidene and viridiene, the sperm releasing and attracting pheromones of brown algae. Helvetica Chimica Acta 66 (6), pp. 1905 - 1913 (1983)
Journal Article
Terlinden, R.; Boland, W.; Jaenicke, L.: Stereospezifische synthese cis/trans‐disubstituierter tetrahydrofurane. Helvetica Chimica Acta 66 (2), pp. 466 - 472 (1983)
Journal Article
Boland, W.; Jaenicke, L.; Brauner, A.: Vinyl-olefines and sesquiterpenes in the root-oil of Senecio isatideus. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences 37 (1-2), pp. 5 - 9 (1982)
Journal Article
Boland, W.; Jakoby, K.; Jaenicke, L.: Synthesis of (+/-)-desmarestene and (+/-)-viridiene, the 2 sperm releasing and attracting pheromones from the brown algae Desmarestia aculeata and Desmarestia viridis. Helvetica Chimica Acta 65 (7), pp. 2355 - 2362 (1982)
Journal Article
Boland, W.; Terlinden, R.; Jaenicke, L.; Mueller, D. G.: Binding mechanism and sensitivity in gamete chemotaxis of the phaeophyte Cutleria multifida. European Journal of Biochemistry 126 (1), pp. 173 - 180 (1982)
Journal Article
Brauner, A.; Budzikiewicz, H.; Boland, W.: Studies in chemical ionization mass spectrometry: V†—localization of homoconjugated triene and tetraene units in aliphatic compounds. Organic Mass Spectrometry 17 (4), pp. 161 - 164 (1982)
Journal Article
Jaenicke, L.; Boland, W.: Signal substances and their reception in the sexual cycle of marine brown algae. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 21 (9), pp. 643 - 653 (1982)
Journal Article
Jaenicke, L.; Boland, W.: Signalstoffe und ihre Reception im Sexualcyclus mariner Braunalgen. Angewandte Chemie 94 (9), pp. 659 - 670 (1982)
Journal Article
Marner, F. J.; Boland, W.; Jaenicke, L.: Synthese isomerer 1,3,5,8-Undecatetraene. Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, pp. 579 - 584 (1982)
Journal Article
Muller, D. G.; Boland, W.; Marner, F. J.; Gassmann, G.: Viridiene, the sexual pheromone of Syringoderma (Phaeophyceae). Die Naturwissenschaften 69 (10), pp. 501 - 502 (1982)
Journal Article
Müller, D. G.; Gassmann, G.; Marner, F. J.; Boland, W.; Jaenicke, L.: The sperm attractant of the marine brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum (Phaeophyceae). Science 218 (4577), pp. 1119 - 1120 (1982)
Journal Article
Müller, D. G.; Peters, A.; Gassmann, G.; Boland, W.; Marner, F. J.; Jaenicke, L.: Identification of a sexual hormone and related substances in the marinebrown alga Desmarestia. Die Naturwissenschaften 69 (6), pp. 290 - 291 (1982)
Journal Article
Boland, W.; Jaenicke, L.: Synthese und spektroskopische Eigenschaften pflanzlicher all-cis-Polyolefine. Liebigs Annalen der Chemie (1), pp. 92 - 98 (1981)
Journal Article
Boland, W.; Jaenicke, L.; Mueller, D. G.: Synthese und biologische Aktivitäten von (+)- und (-)-Mulitifiden. Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 1981 (12), pp. 2266 - 2271 (1981)
Journal Article
Boland, W.; Jakoby, K.; Jaenicke, L.; Müller, D. G.; Folster, E.: Receptor specificity and threshold concentration in chemotaxis of the phaeophyte Cutleria multifida. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences 36 (3/4), pp. 262 - 271 (1981)
Journal Article
Mueller, D. G.; Gassmann, G.; Boland, W.; Marner, F.; Jaenicke, L.: Dictyota dichotoma (Phaeophyceae): Identification of the sperm attractant. Science 212 (4498), pp. 1040 - 1041 (1981)
Journal Article
Muller, D. G.; Boland, W.; Jaenicke, L.; Gassmann, G.: Identification of a volatile gamete secretion in Spermatochnus paradoxus. Die Naturwissenschaften 68 (9), pp. 478 - 480 (1981)
Journal Article
Boland, W.; Ney, P.; Jaenicke, L.: One-Pot conversion of carboxylic-acid esters and lactones to olefinic compounds. Synthesis (12), pp. 1015 - 1017 (1980)
Journal Article
Derenbach, J. B.; Boland, W.; Foelster, E.; Mueller, D. G.: Interference tests with the pheromone system of the brown alga Cutleria multifida. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 3 (4), pp. 357 - 362 (1980)
Journal Article
Boland, W.; Hansen, V.; Jaenicke, L.: Convenient synthesis of (Z)-3-(1-alkenyl)-cyclopentenes and (E)-3-(1-alkenyl)-cyclopentenes. Synthesis 1972 (2), pp. 114 - 116 (1979)
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