Publications of B. S. Hansson

Journal Article (421)

Journal Article
Jönsson, S.; Liljefors, T.; Hansson, B. S.: Alkyl substitution in terminal chain of (Z)-5-decenyl acetate, a pheromone component of turnip moth, Agrotis segetum. Synthesis, single-sensillum recordings, and structure-activity relationships. Journal of Chemical Ecology 17 (1), pp. 103 - 122 (1991)
Journal Article
Jönsson, S.; Liljefors, T.; Hansson, B. S.: Replacement of the terminal methyl group in a moth sex pheromone component by a halogen atom: Hydrophobicity and size effects on electrophysiological single-cell activities. Journal of Chemical Ecology 17 (7), pp. 1381 - 1397 (1991)
Journal Article
Toth, M.; Szocs, G.; Löfstedt, C.; Hansson, B. S.; Schmidt, F.; Francke, W.: Epoxyheptadecadienes identified as sex pheromone components of Tephrina arenacearia Hbn. (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences 46 (3-4), pp. 257 - 263 (1991)
Journal Article
Bengtsson, M.; Liljefors, T.; Hansson, B. S.; Löfstedt, C.; Copaja, S. V.: Structure-activity relationships for chain-shortened analogs of (z)-5-decenyl acetate, a pheromone component of the turnip moth, Agrotis segetum. Journal of Chemical Ecology 16 (3), pp. 667 - 684 (1990)
Journal Article
Hansson, B. S.; Szöcs, G.; Schmidt, F.; Francke, W.; Löfstedt, C.; Toth, M.: Electrophysiological and chemical-analysis of sex pheromone communication system of the mottled umber, Erannis defoliaria (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). Journal of Chemical Ecology 16 (6), pp. 1887 - 1897 (1990)
Journal Article
Hansson, B. S.; Toth, M.; Löfstedt, C.; Szöcs, G.; Subchev, M.; Löfqvist, J.: Pheromone variation among eastern-european and a western asian population of the turnip moth Agrotis segetum Schiff (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Journal of Chemical Ecology 16 (5), pp. 1611 - 1622 (1990)
Journal Article
Löfstedt, C.; Hansson, B. S.; Dijkerman, H. J.; Herrebout, W. M.: Behavioural and electrophysiological activity of unsaturated analogues of the pheromone tetradecyl acetate in the small ermine moth Yponomeuta rorellus. Physiological Entomology 15 (1), pp. 47 - 54 (1990)
Journal Article
Baker, T. C.; Francke, W.; Löfstedt, C.; Hansson, B. S.; Du, J. W.; Phelan, P. L.; Vetter, R. S.; Youngman, R.: Isolation, identification and synthesis of sex pheromone components of the carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae. Tetrahedron Letters 30 (22), pp. 2901 - 2902 (1989)
Journal Article
Baker, T. C.; Hansson, B. S.; Löfstedt, C.; Löfqvist, J.: Adaptation of male moth antennal neurons in a pheromone plume is associated with cessation of pheromone-mediated flight. Chemical Senses 14 (3), pp. 439 - 448 (1989)
Journal Article
Hansson, B. S.; Löfstedt, C.; Foster, S. P.: Z-linked inheritance of male olfactory response to sex pheromone components in two species of tortricid moths, Ctenopseustis obliquana and Ctenopseustis sp. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 53 (2), pp. 137 - 145 (1989)
Journal Article
Hansson, B. S.; Vanderpers, J. N. C.; Löfqvist, J.: Comparison of male and female olfactory cell response to pheromone compounds and plant volatiles in the turnip moth, Agrotis segetum. Physiological Entomology 14 (2), pp. 147 - 155 (1989)
Journal Article
Löfstedt, C.; Hansson, B. S.; Roelofs, W.; Bengtsson, B. O.: No linkage between genes controlling female pheromone production and male pheromone response in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera; Pyralidae). Genetics 123 (3), pp. 553 - 556 (1989)
Journal Article
Toth, M.; Löfstedt, C.; Hansson, B. S.; Szocs, G.; Farag, A. I.: Identification of four components from the female sex pheromone of the lima-bean pod borer, Etiella zinckenella. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 51 (2), pp. 107 - 112 (1989)
Journal Article
Baker, T.; Hansson, B.; Löfstedt, C.; Löfqvist, J.: Adaptation of antennal neurons in moths is associated with cessation of pheromone-mediated upwind flight. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 85 (24), pp. 9826 - 9830 (1988)
Journal Article
Bengtsson, M.; Liljefors, T.; Hansson, B.: Dienic analogs of (Z)-5-decenyl acetate, a pheromone component of the turnip moth, Agrotis segetum: Synthesis, conformational analysis and structure-activity relationships. Bioorganic Chemistry 15 (4), pp. 409 - 422 (1987)
Journal Article
Hansson, B.; Löfstedt, C.: Inheritance of olfactory response to sex pheromone components in Ostrinia nubilalis. Naturwissenschaften 74, pp. 497 - 499 (1987)
Journal Article
Liljefors, T.; Bengtsson, M.; Hansson, B.: Effects of double bond configuration on interaction between a moth sex pheromone component and its receptor: A receptor- interaction model based on molecular mechanics. Journal of Chemical Ecology 13 (10), pp. 2023 - 2040 (1987)
Journal Article
Roelofs, W.; Glover, T.; Tang, X. H.; Sreng, I.; Robbins, P.; Eckenrode, C.; Löfstedt, C.; Hansson, B.; Bengtsson, B. O.: Sex pheromone production and perception in European corn borer moths is determined by both autosomal and sex-linked genes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 84 (21), pp. 7585 - 7589 (1987)
Journal Article
Hansson, B.; Löfstedt, C.; Löfqvist, J.; Hallberg, E.: Spatial arrangement of different types of pheromone-sensitive sensilla in a male moth. Naturwissenschaften 73, pp. 269 - 270 (1986)
Journal Article
Löfstedt, C.; Lofqvist, J.; Lanne, B. S.; Van Pers, J. N. C. D.; Hansson, B.: Pheromone dialects in European turnip moths Agrotis segetum. Oikos 46, pp. 250 - 257 (1986)
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