Prof. Jonathan Gershenzon
Curriculum Vitae
2024: Silver Medal of the International Society of Chemical Ecology
2024: Biology and Biochemistry in Germany Leader Award (2024)
2024: Elected member of EMBO, European Molecular Biology Organization
2023: Plant Science and Agronomy in Germany Leader Award
2023: Highly Cited Researcher 2023: Plant and Animal Science
2022: Plant Science and Agronomy in Germany Leader Award
2022: Highly Cited Researcher 2022
2021: Highly Cited Researcher 2021: Plant and Animal Science
2021: Gewähltes Mitglied der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina
2020: Highly Cited Researcher 2020: Plant and Animal Science
2019: Highly Cited Researcher 2019: Plant and Animal Science
2018: Highly Cited Researcher 2018: Plant & Animal Science
2017: Highly Cited Researcher 2017: Plant & Animal Science
2016: Highly Cited Researcher 2016: Plant & Animal Science
2015: The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds, Thomson Reuters: Plant & Animal Science
2015: Highly Cited Researcher 2015: Plant & Animal Science
2015: Elected member of German Science Foundation (DFG) Panel on Plant Science 2016-2020
2014: Highly Cited Researcher 2014: Plant & Animal Science
2012: Elected Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
2000: Haarman and Reimer Lecturer, Washington State University
2000: Duane LeTourneau Lectureship, University of Idaho