Department of Molecular Ecology

Journal Article (566)

Journal Article
Schittko, U.; Baldwin, I. T.: Constraints to herbivore-induced systemic responses: Bidirectional signaling along orthostichies in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29 (3), pp. 763 - 770 (2003)
Journal Article
Sime, K.; Baldwin, I. T.: Opportunistic out-crossing in Nicotiana attenuata (Solanaceae), a predominantly self-fertilizing native tobacco. BMC Ecology 3, 6 (2003)
Journal Article
Voelckel, C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Detecting herbivore-specific transcriptional responses in plants with multiple DDRT-PCR and subtractive library procedures. Physiologia Plantarum 118 (2), pp. 240 - 252 (2003)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Kessler, A.; Halitschke, R.: Volatile signaling in plant-plant-herbivore interactions: What is real? Current Opinion in Plant Biology 5 (4), pp. 351 - 354 (2002)
Journal Article
Bohlmann, J.; Stauber, E. J.; Krock, B.; Oldham, N. J.; Gershenzon, J.; Baldwin, I. T.: Gene expression of 5-epi-aristolochene synthase and formation of capsidiol in roots of Nicotiana attenuata and N-sylvestris. Phytochemistry 60 (2), pp. 109 - 116 (2002)
Journal Article
Heil, M.; Baldwin, I. T.: Fitness costs of induced resistance: emerging experimental support for a slippery concept. Trends in Plant Science 7 (2), pp. 61 - 67 (2002)
Journal Article
Kessler, A.; Baldwin, I. T.: Manduca quinquemaculata's optimization of intra-plant oviposition to predation, food quality, and thermal constraint's. Ecology 83 (8), pp. 2346 - 2354 (2002)
Journal Article
Kessler, A.; Baldwin, I. T.: Plant responses to insect herbivory: The emerging molecular analysis. Annual Review of Plant Biology 53 (1), pp. 299 - 328 (2002)
Journal Article
Kessler, A.; Baldwin, I. T.: Plant mediated tritrophic interaction and biological pest control. AgBiotechNet 4 (2002)
Journal Article
Krock, B.; Schmidt, S.; Hertweck, C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Vegetation-derived abscisic acid and four terpenes enforce dormancy in seeds of the post-fire annual, Nicotiana attenuata. Seed Science Research 12 (4), pp. 239 - 252 (2002)
Journal Article
Krügel, T.; Lim, M.; Gase, K.; Halitschke, R.; Baldwin, I. T.: Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Nicotiana attenuata, a model ecological expression system. Chemoecology 12 (4), pp. 177 - 183 (2002)
Journal Article
Park, J. H.; Halitschke, R.; Kim, H. B.; Baldwin, I. T.; Feldmann, K. A.; Feyereisen, R.: A knot-out mutation in allene oxide synthase results in male sterility and defective wound signal transduction in Arabidopsis due to a block in jasmonic acid biosynthesis. The Plant Journal 31 (1), pp. 1 - 12 (2002)
Journal Article
Preston, C. A.; Betts, H.; Baldwin, I. T.: Methyl jasmonate as an allelopathic agent: Sagebrush inhibits germination of a neighboring tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Chemical Ecology 28 (11), pp. 2343 - 2369 (2002)
Journal Article
Schwachtje, J.; Vorwieger, A.; Jain, A.; Singh, A.; Punia, M. S.; Behl, R. K.; Bergmann, H.: Effect of sodium chloride on seed germination and other growth factors in soybean (Glycine Max L.). National Journal of Plant Improvement 4 (2), pp. 9 - 12 (2002)
Journal Article
Sime, K.: Chemical defence of Battus philenor larvae against attack by the parasitoid Trogus pennator. Ecological Entomology 27 (3), pp. 337 - 345 (2002)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.: An ecologically motivated analysis of plant-herbivore interactions in native tobacco. Plant Physiology 127 (4), pp. 1449 - 1458 (2001)
Journal Article
Baldwin, I. T.; Halitschke, R.; Kessler, A.; Schittko, U.: Merging molecular and ecological approaches in plant-insect interactions. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 4 (4), pp. 351 - 358 (2001)
Journal Article
Dam, V.; Baldwin, I. T.: Competition mediates costs of jasmonate-induced defences, nitrogen acquisition and transgenerational plasticity in Nicotiana attenuata. Functional Ecology 15 (3), pp. 406 - 415 (2001)
Journal Article
Dam, V.; Hermenau, U.; Baldwin, I. T.: Instar-specific sensitivity of specialist Manduca sexta larvae to induced defences in their host plant Nicotiana attenuata. Ecological Entomology 26 (6), pp. 578 - 586 (2001)
Journal Article
Dam, V.; Horn, M.; Mares, M.; Baldwin, I. T.: Ontogeny constrains systemic protease inhibitor response in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Chemical Ecology 27 (3), pp. 547 - 568 (2001)
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